New paintings.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

It's been a very long time since I've offered any paintings in my shop, but I've just added a handful in the "ready to ship" section. These are all original acrylic paintings. Because of my licensing agreement with the painting company I work for, I am allowed to sell these originals, but no prints will be made of them. So once they're gone, they're gone! All can easily be framed, and a few are ready to hang. All are ready to ship in 1-2 days once purchased.


  1. Those are lovely! I really like the bottom right one. The colors you chose are "just my style". :)

  2. Hi Whitney, I have a question. How were you able to turn your handmade art, such as the "bind my wandering heart to thee" picture into a digital file to be able to sell on Etsy? It looks so good!

    1. Thanks, Nicole! I'll have to maybe do a blog series on it... it's too long of a process to leave in a blog comment. I will say it involves a scanner and Photoshop and a lot of time/patience. :)


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