Happy Mother's Day.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

To my Mom, You've set a very high standard for mothering well - sacrificing much and loving lavishly - and I'm so inspired by your example. I'm also thankful to call you one of my closest friends, and I hope I can say the same about my children someday.

To Mama Newby, Having a boy of my own now, I can't imagine living across an ocean from him. But you handle it with such grace and love us all so well, which makes the distance feel more palatable. The fruit of your labor as a mother blesses me daily.

To my Grandma, The legacy you've given to your children, your grandchildren, and now your great-grandchildren is one of hard work, great faith, and so much love. I celebrate you today, and count it such a privilege to be your granddaughter and also your friend.

To Liam, Sometimes I feel like it's Mother's Day every day because of the way you celebrate me. As I ran my fingers through your blond curls tonight and sang you your favorite hymn, I gave thanks for your precious life and the high calling God has given me through you. Being Mama to you is the greatest work of my life.

To those with empty arms, I haven't forgotten you today. Whether you've been praying for a child or have lost one, my heart is heavy for you. Maybe you'll go to church today and will not be handed a rose, will not be asked to stand for applause, will not be recognized. I can't imagine your pain, but God can. And I'm praying He comforts you with His peace today.

Happy Mother's Day.


  1. Thank you! Love you Whitney, having a daughter i-l like you makes it easier to be so far away, I can't imagine anyone better for Shawn nor as Mom to Liam.

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  3. Belated Happy Mothers' Day Whitney! Always glad to see your homely pictures and read warm words. I am yet to become Mom, very soon, so my husband still gifted me a rose :) It felt great!
    I might learn some things from your being a mother experience :)
    Have a happy day!

    1. Oh thank you! And congrats to you!!! What an exciting time.

  4. I really loved this post, babe. Of course I love what you wrote about me, but I was blessed by your sweet words for EVERYONE. Beautifully said, as always. :)


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