Free printable: Watercolor peonies.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

During Lanie's morning nap, Liam and I have some rare one-on-one time that I try to spend intentionally. Some days, it's the only time I have to shower before work and Liam ends up playing with his trains. But on other days, we do little projects together. When I tell him, "I have an idea," his face lights up and he asks, "What are mine options?" Recently, we've been watercoloring. It's easy setup and cleanup, and both of us have fun. We share the same tray of nothing-special-paints and brushes, but the time we spend creating side by side is just magic. The other day, Liam painted a dinosaur (can you see it?) and I dabbled with some abstract peonies.
It is so tempting for me to keep meddling with a painting, but this time, I kept it stark and simple and let the unpredictable bleed of the vibrant colors do all the work. The whole painting took less than five minutes, and I think if I would've added more time and thought to it, I wouldn't have liked it as much. I scanned it today in hopes of enlarging it for Lanie's room, and thought a few of you might want a copy, too. If you do, just click on the photo above and it should direct you to a size that's big enough to download and print as an 8"x10" piece to frame. To make it even more realistic, trim a piece of watercolor paper to fit your printer and print on the watercolor paper itself. It'll look like it just came off the drying rack.  
PS - Print or gift as many copies as you'd like. It's here for the taking. Just don't sell it (does that even need to be said?). Thanks friends.


  1. This is gorgeous. LOVE. I have been following your blog for a while and was wondering if you do custom paintings or custom art prints? I am looking for a pretty nursery print for my sister, and you have the exact style I was envisioning.

    1. Possibly!! Email me when you get a chance: Whitney@elmstreetlife

  2. Where's the dinosaur printable?! ;-)

  3. Love your painting!! I love watercolor, and your painting is gorgeous. I can't wait to print out mine and enjoy it. Thank you!!

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