
Monday, October 24, 2016

Yesterday, Shawn's first album, Justified, was released! Cue the angel choir! This project has been a labor of love (and also a lot of fun), and we're elated to finally hold it in our hands.

Our church's pastoral team commissioned Shawn to write these songs and to create a project that would encourage our church body. He's done that and so much more, and I honestly think this is an album that anyone would enjoy. For me, it's been even more special because my dad served as producer, my mom as vocal producer, and I had the privilege of singing background vocals and being the photographer. But mostly, I've enjoyed having a front row seat to the writing of these songs, the wrestling through arrangements, and now enjoying the final product.

I wanted to give a little snapshot of each song from my perspective, in case you're interested...

1// You Call Me Justified - This is where it all started: a congregational song Shawn wrote that has become one of our church's favorites to sing on Sunday morning. Rich lyrics, singable melody. It'll be stuck in your head (in the best way).

2// Behold, Your King Is Come - Hands down, my kids' favorite song on the CD. Has an Irish jig kind of feel to it. We blast it in the living room and have a dance party. :)

3// The Fight - For most who have heard the album, this one is their favorite. My favorite line: "When mountains of failure are all that I see, remind me to think of the mountain you climbed for me."

4// One Hope For the World - Shawn wrote this for our church's missions conference a couple years ago, but it's an anthem that's more appropriate than ever in our very divided and divisive world. As believers, we can sing together, "There is one faith, one Savior, one Hope for the world."

5// Only You Know Why - This might be my personal favorite. I get to sing background vocals, and I love the sound of the guitars, the duet style, the truth behind it. Shawn wrote it as he struggled to grasp the sovereignty of God.

6// The Lord Is On My Side - "The Lord is on my side. He will not hold back or hide. I won't be moved, I will not be moved." Yes!

7// Shield About Me - The chorus is taken straight from Psalm 3. I love hearing Liam sing the lyrics to this one in the backseat: "You, oh Lord, are a shield about me. My glory and the lifter of my head. I need not fear for my enemies around me. I lay my head in peace upon my bed."

8// Your Spirit Moved - In last night's concert, this was a powerful moment: just Shawn, his guitar, and gospel-saturated lyrics. Yes.

9// Mysterious Wonder - A gorgeous Christmas song with the most exquisite strings arrangement (by my own dad!).

10// Jesus Is Coming Again - A celebration song because He's coming back! This will make you want to dance.

11// There Is A Fountain - Since Liam was born, this hymn has been on my lips as I've sung it to both babies many nights before bed. When we thought about incorporating a hymn onto the album, I was thrilled when Shawn decided for it to be this one. The words hold such a special place in my heart, and it has a very Appalachian feel. Delightful.

12// Faithful To Me - I tear up listening to this one and making it personal: He's been so faithful to me, to you, to us. This one focuses on several precious attributes of God.

I say this with complete honesty: I would love this album even if I wasn't married to the artist. I'd play it in my car, listen to it with my kids, put it in my ear buds as I walked into a busy day at work. But knowing the heart behind these songs makes it even sweeter, and I know you who have read my blog for years will find it so special as you "know" us in a way. We hope and pray these songs are a true blessing to your soul and that through them, you experience Christ in a fresh way.

You can purchase the album on iTunes!


  1. So awesome! So glad you both are able to experience this project and season in your lives!

  2. We were so sorry to miss Sunday night! Steve had been sick with a cold & barely made the AM. Then we had out of town called company just for you the afternoon who didn't leave soon enough for me to make it��. But I have been worshipping in the car with our copy, loving everything on it! You both are such a blessing to our Body!

    1. We missed you, but SO glad you're loving the CD!

  3. Hi Whitney, I've been following your blog for about five years. I live in Sanford, not too far from you. I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for the continuous encouragement and spiritual support that you have provided to me for so long. You are an inspiration and I am so happy that God has given this project to you and your husband. You are both so incredibly talented. Love in Christ, Casey

    PS - Your Bow Clutch tutorial taught me my sewing basics. Thanks!

    1. Casey, Thank YOU for such encouragement! And hi from Raleigh! :)

  4. I have played this already dozens of times and played it for the little Lambs this morning. It is, as I told Shawn, like sitting in on his quiet time with the Lord. He said the lyrics came right out of his prayer journal. You can tell. Thank you to both of you for the time it took and making this to uplift and encourage our body. I already know what I am giving a lot of people for Christmas. Dixie

    1. Dixie, how precious! Thank you for always being such a huge encouragement!

  5. Hi Whintney! Congratulations, so great to know your plans are becoming real :) Such a nice cover for the album, and I am sure songs are great to for those who search for answers...

  6. Can we preview the songs? I tried Itunes but couldn't find preview. Thanks, Sally

    1. Yes! If you go to the iTunes store (not the iTunes website, but the store through iTunes itself), you'll be able to click on the number before each song title and hear a 90 second preview of each. :)

  7. great post. i like it. feeling great when reading your post

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