Easter 2017.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

I've become that mom (every mom?) whose plea on major holidays is, "Can we please just try to get one picture of all of us?" And thankfully, thanks to my willing husband and father-in-law who was able to take pictures, we got more than one - and a host of outtakes. Our Easter together was sweet and full of celebrating: a joyful morning at church, a peaceful afternoon, and a fun outdoor dinner at Shawn's parents' house where they hosted an Easter egg hunt around the back yard for all three grandchildren.

But I'd have to say my favorite moment on Easter was when Liam brought me this sheet of paper:
It was totally unprompted and unassisted and he said, "God said, 'I love Liam' and so He died on the cross." Yes, little love. Day made.


  1. It's been a while since I've been on your blog, and oh how pleasantly surprised I was to see your beautiful growing family, and you, so radiantly pregnant! I have two daughter-in-laws expecting right now as well...both are Moody grads! One is due in June, the other in August :) Our sweet daughter, Claire, graduated from Moody in December, and God has called her to come back and serve with us in the Czech Republic - she will be our third culture kid specialist! She's got a special heart for the missionary kids here...we've got over 100. So she'll have her hands full. She's in the process of raising support right now. Praying blessings over you as you work, care for your family, love the Lord and prepare for this new little one to arrive. Blessings on you! I'll be checking back now and then to see who that little one is!! :)

  2. What a lovely post - and what beautiful photos! Here in Edmonton (Canada), we've still got snow on the ground, so I am more than a little envious that there isn't a single mitten or warm coat in sight in those pictures :-) Happy Easter!

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