
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We're close to finishing up what has been the most humbling, stretching year of our lives. It involved what felt like constant upheaval and near-constant struggle. But, by God's grace alone, we have come through stronger as a family and in our faith. So we're grateful for 2014. And I don't say that flippantly, because there were certainly times I wish we could've skipped it by. We would've missed so many blessings, though. Blessings that now hang on little cards on our table as reminders of His faithfulness.

So about our thankful tree. It isn't a new idea, but it's a new tradition for us. I gathered some sticks from our yard, put them in a vase, and cut little pieces of card stock (1" x 2") and hung them onto the tree. (I added some gold washi tape to a few just for fun.) Even Liam contributed a few. I know it's the day before Thanksgiving, but this was such an easy project and would be so sweet to do on Thanksgiving day with kids. I love being visually reminded every time I walk past that we have so much to be thankful for, and not just on one day of the year.

Also, let me just say, I'm so thankful for you. Many of you have read along for several years now and have cheered us on from afar with your prayers, your encouraging emails, and just your presence in this little space. Thank you. I hope tomorrow is a sweet, sacred celebration with people you love.
PS - I'll be back bright and early Friday morning to announce some big Black Friday and Small Business Saturday sales in my Brighter Day shop! See you then.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Whitney! I'm blessed by your faith, creativity, and beautiful outlook.
    We started the tradition of a thankful tree in our family this year, too! It has been a constant reminder of God's faithfulness to us. He is so good!

    Happy Thanksgiving to the Newby family!


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