5 November goals.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I've been using this planner since August (which I love), and one of the things it's really prompted me to do is to set goals. Because how do we accomplish much of anything without them? Most of my goals in this season of life revolve around maintaining balance and peace. Without it, my 7-months-pregnant-chasing-a-toddler-on-top-of-everything-else self goes a little crazy. Ultimately, that begins and ends in the time I spend with the Lord. But I've also been learning a lot about setting goals, creating boundaries, and sticking with them to stay sane. So here are a few manageable goals for this month...

Purchase and wrap all Christmas presents for friends and family (not including for Liam & Shawn). Maybe it's nesting? But I'm almost halfway there with this goal and it feels so good. For our budget, for my time, and for the overall holiday stress level.

Go on a real date. Drinking hot tea and watching The Good Wife after Liam goes to bed doesn't count.

Take a day of family rest every week. This makes the biggest different in my heart, I've found, when I get quality time with my guys with no to-do lists in sight.

Read a "classic." Cozying up on a November night with a tried and true book just sounds so delicious. I've got To Kill A Mockingbird in mind.

+ Do something kind for someone in need, with Liam. I remember being struck by how Princess Diana would take her sons along when she did charity work, and how it's impacted them so strongly even today. I can't think of a better way to celebrate a month of thanksgiving than to serve someone else - even in a small way - and to have Liam join me. I know he's just 2, but who knows what impact it will make on him even now.

1 comment:

  1. Right in the same boat with you on the two year old and being 7 months pregnant...so I totally understand that first one! I wrapped a ton of presents last weekend and hope to work on the last bit of my list in the next few weeks. Would love to be done by Thanksgiving! :) And very much love the idea of a date night and family day of rest!!


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