4 months with Lane Eliette.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Lanie love,

This has been a big month for you. Even more, this has been a big month with you. I've needed you this month, sweet girl. As I started back to work at the hospital, what has surprised me most is how sad I've felt being around patients again. For whatever reason, a large swath of my patients so far have come to me at the very end of their lives. To see their broken bodies and the broken spirits of their loved ones has made me mourn for what this world is. And what this world lacks. Our world is so fallen. So broken and dragged down and muddied by sin and toil and pain. It's broken bones and hate crimes, paper cuts and hot tears, hunger and hopelessness. It's such a dim reflection of what God originally intended for his creation.

So when I come home to you at the end of a 12-hour shift - to your quick smile, your sweet spirit, your milky breath and downy head, your innocence - my heart is lifted. All you're doing is being you, wonderful you, and you're bringing so much joy to me. And so much glory to God. You remind me of the very good gifts our Father has given us and the hope we have only in Him. That this world is not all there is. These pictures of you capture your light, playful, sweet spirit and I'll cherish them forever. You're constantly wiggling, constantly smiling, constantly drinking in the world with the biggest, bluest eyes.

This month, you took your first two flights (you were a champ), have been in three different church nurseries (and have still only ever slept one time at church), and you started sleeping through the night. You actually don't mind tummy time at all and usually flip yourself from your back to your belly so you can prop yourself up and take a look around the world. You've even started getting up onto your knees and rocking back and forth. Isn't it a little early for crawling? Slow down, Lanie girl. You'll catch up with Liam in due time.

I love watching the relationship you have with the men in this house. Your whole face lights up when you see either of them, and honestly, seeing Shawn with a daughter and Liam with a sister is more wonderful than I anticipated.

Lanie, you're a joy. You're our joy. To say we're utterly in love with you is an understatement, but we'll say it again: we love you, we love you, we love you. We pray that your life points to Jesus in powerful ways.

Wearing your great grandmother's dress


  1. What is the history of the dress. It looks adorable. Would love to see a full picture of the dress. Pray that God will give you peace while at work.

  2. She is gorgeous! So glad she is sleeping well for you. Prayers to you and the many others like you who help people get through rough times in life. I'm sure it is hard, but remember that is one of the times it is easiest to show others God's love & presence.

  3. Lanie already brings so much joy! Love, love, LOVE that little princess!


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