The name game.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

At 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant with Lanie, we finally landed on her name. Lane was the name that had been right in front of us (it's my middle name), but it took so much time, conversation, and angst on my part to arrive at a final decision. I spent hours upon hours on and nothing quite seemed to fit. We loved Eliot/Elliot/Eliette/Elliette for a girl, but we have so many girls in our life nicknamed "Ellie" that we wanted to stay away from that as a nickname. We love the meaning of Eliette, though, which is "My God has answered." Our Lanie has been an answered prayer in so many ways. Ultimately, it was Shawn who landed on Lane Eliette (including the spelling) and it just clicked for both of us.

Toward the end of pregnancy, I had been thinking baby names so much that I dreamt of them. In one dream, I was having twins and named them "Tandem" and "Echo" (fitting, right?). I then dreamed we had a boy and named him Canon, which I actually really like.

Anyway, if I had about a dozen more baby girls, here are some names I would throw in the hat. Not sure if we'll have any more girls though, so these are up for grabs. :)

And a few more...

Today, I can't picture our Lane Eliette (which we're pronouncing like Elliot) as anything else. Isn't that what always happens? Right now she's known as Lanie Lou, Lanie-girl, or Lanes.

I'm a self-professed name nerd and would love to hear some of your favorites... anyone?


  1. I love her name so much! Names that can go either way for a girl are my favorite. And even better is the bonus of it being after you! :)

  2. I love this kind of stuff too! Ryan wanted the name Tobias when we were deciding on Easton's name. I was like, ummm no way, what in the world!?! It means "God Is Good" so I alllllmost caved in because God was VERY good in allowing us to stay pregnant with E (many complications). But in the end, Easton was the right you said...can't imagine calling him any other name. But now, if God ever sent another little boy to us, I'm now at a point where Tobias (Toby for short) is totally an option! Funny, isn't it?!

  3. We named our daughter Nadia, which means hope. It took us a couple years to get pregnant, so we thought the meaning was very fitting for our girl, who we continued to hope for throughout trying :)

  4. I have three daughters named Genevieve, Annalise and Josephine. We love the "old-fashioned" names, liked that they all end in "e," and have three syllables. Picking names is challenging but fun!

  5. Our girl is Adleigh Jane (said like hadley, without the H). When we told people her name before she was born, most everyone would say something like "oh...thats different." Honestly, the lack of enthusiasm made me second guess our choice for a split second a few times, but I'm so happy we stuck with it. She truly is our jewel, which is what her name means 😊

  6. Our girl is Adleigh Jane (said like hadley, without the H). When we told people her name before she was born, most everyone would say something like "oh...thats different." Honestly, the lack of enthusiasm made me second guess our choice for a split second a few times, but I'm so happy we stuck with it. She truly is our jewel, which is what her name means 😊

  7. Dear Whitney,

    I stumbled on your blog by accident (I don't really remember how), but I've been reading your blog for a couple of years now and I truly love it. I've always been a 'quiet' reader, not leaving any comments or anything like it. I just wanted to let you know, what an encouragement and blessing you and your life are to me and that I'm excited to see your family grow. I'm so happy for you and your husband and the precious little family you started. I've always loved names and their meanings, so I wanted to share some of my favourites. Since I'm German, some names are German too, so maybe a little difficult to transfer to English :)
    I've always loved the name 'Eleanor' with the according nickname 'Ellie'.
    'Liselotte' is also a favourite, it's a combination of the names 'Elisabeth' and 'Charlotte'.
    For boys there would be 'Manuel', which means 'God is with us'.
    It may sound weird, but I really like the name my parents chose for me: 'Janina', which means 'the Lord is merciful'. Since I'm German and it's a Polish/German name the 'Ja' sound is pronounced like the last sound of 'Halleluja'.

    I hope some day I'll choose the perfect name for my first child, maybe I'll come back to this list :)

  8. We have an Isla Arden and are still waiting to decide what we want for the next baby. I loooove discussing names, but it's so difficult to settle! I also love Mila. We like Ezra, Sloane, Audrey, Rory, Isaac, Gabriel, and a few others. I've had a running list on my phone for years!

  9. Hattie is a name I've loved for a long time, and I'm convinced I'd name our next girl that if we were having one (which we are not) :) I also LOVE Lottie, short for Charlotte.

  10. Hello Whitney,

    Thanks for inviting name stories! I am also a name nerd. I am a big fan of Old Testament names.

    I chose the name for my adopted brother Isaac. He is 15 years younger than me and was three when we adopted him. My bothers, parents and I were so frantic and excited when we got a phone call about him. I blurted out the name Isaac, becasue a friend and I had recently been talking about how much we liked it.

    My parents loved it, because they were older (late forties) when they adopted Isaac and they had waited so long to be able to adopt--just like OT Isaac's parents! We also like that it means laughter, which is something that our now eight-year-old Isaac brings us often.

    Thanks for sharing about baby Lane!

    Lucy Rose


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