Liam's room.

Friday, December 4, 2015

A disclaimer first: No, this is not always how Liam's room looks. It's usually strewn with cars and random puzzle pieces and maybe even a diaper under the bed.

Now that we have that out of the way, his room is one of my favorite rooms in the entire house and I simply wanted to remember it. It's always changing just a little, just like he is. So much of it has been made by me or by him (the teepee by me, the banner and painting on the wall by him). Oh, and the dresser was mine as a baby. It even has the original shelf liner in the bottom drawer.

The day we walked into our house for the first time, I walked into the sunlit middle bedroom and said, "This has to be his." I knew the giant windows would make it a place we wanted to spend time, and I liked that it was right next door to our room if he needed anything. He has one of the two carpets in our entire house, so we do spend lots of time in his room: reading "three Bibles" every night before bed (Jesus Storybook Bible, Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, and the Rhyme Bible), putting together dinosaur puzzles, getting both kids' diapers and clothes changed.

Mostly, it's just feels like him: a lot of light with a little wild thrown in.


  1. I adore this. There's something so special about a well-loved room.

  2. Such a nicely designed room, the atmosphere seems so uplifting and light! :)

  3. I love the rug in his room. Do you perhaps remember where you bought it?

  4. Hi Whitney! I love the teepee you made and am planning to make one from the same tutorial for my little boys first birthday. I'm having some trouble finding dowel rods in the measurements listed on the tutorial and was wondering if you could tell me where you got yours. Also, did you use just a regular sheet? :)

    1. Hey Leigh! I had trouble finding the right size rods too, and ended up having to have my husband cut them down. It wasn't the prettiest cutting job (he used a manual saw, or whatever they're called... nothing with power) so we just put that part on the bottom where you'll never see it, tucked into the teepee fabric. And for the fabric, I actually used drop cloth that I bought at Lowe's. It was a cheap way to get pretty sturdy fabric that looks like canvas.

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