Our tiny rainbow.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Just a quick note to say we are *thrilled* to be adding to our family in June 2017! (Liam is probably the most excited about the baby and will tell you it's a "baby bruhver," though we aren't finding out the gender this time around. Just wishful thinking!)

As you probably remember, we lost a baby in March (and another between Liam and Lanie), so I know the sting these announcements and inflict on those suffering through infertility or loss. Please know that I am praying today that our Redeemer God moves in your story as He has in ours.

To God be the glory, great and miraculous things He has done!


  1. Congratulations!! Blessings to your beautiful family.

  2. Happy for you! :) God bless you all and a tiny little one :)))

  3. Parabéns! Muita felicidade à família.

  4. Congratulations Whitney,to you and your beautiful family, love reading your blog .

  5. Congratulations Whitney to you and your family. And to the little one.... :-) Dagmar

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