Liam & Lanie's favorite art supplies.

Monday, December 11, 2017

It's no secret that our family is crazy about art. First thing out of bed most mornings, Liam and Lanie are begging for an art project. Their supplies are kept within easy reach - the messier ones near our dining room table where they are supervised (i.e. paints), and the more tame supplies (like crayons and colored pencils) downstairs. We make art every day, and perhaps that makes me sound like supermom, but it really shouldn't. Because art is so important in my own life, it's actually life-giving to pull out the paints and clay and other supplies and watch my kids create - and join in when I can. Kids are innately creative. They need so little prompting before they wander down new paths and create on their own.

With that said, we've gone through so many art supplies. My kids have way more art supplies than they have toys, so we've tested quite a few products. I've found over time that they are more apt to want to make art with good quality supplies, so I wanted to share a few of our favorites - all found on Amazon - in case you'd like to stock up! Many of these would make perfect stocking stuffers. Or an art basket with several supplies would be dreamy for a larger gift. Just click on the supply names to take you to the link.

Watercolor pan set - Vibrant, long-lasting colors and little mess. If you have a Michael's nearby, you can use a coupon to grab these for cheaper.

Tempera paint cakes - Washable, mixable, also very long-lasting.

Paint pad - I've used this for my own watercolor with great results.

Modeling clay - We love Play Doh too, but this doesn't dry out.

Liquid watercolors - Perfect for lots of STEAM projects, such as the ones found here.

Plastic art trays for containing the mess. Perhaps our best investment (and such a happy color)!

Clear contact paper for creating "stained glass" or other projects like these.

Disposable pipettes for sensory process art like this.

Suminagashi marbling kit for marbling paper, like this.

Kwik Stix solid tempera paint - One of my very favorites. It's like paint on a stick - the colors are vibrant and they dry quickly.

Coffee filters - For painting with liquid watercolors or tie-dying with washable markers and a spray bottle, like this.

Paint brushes - A must.

Art Spinner - Perfect for Liam's age, and I love this one because it's self-propelled.

Any supplies you'd like to add? I'd love to know!


  1. Whitney, I’m wondering if you have plans to share what you are using to homeschool your kiddos? I’d love to hear what you guys are enjoying and what has/hasn’t worked for your family. :)

  2. Absolutely! We are still very early on (Liam won't technically be in kindergarten until next year), but I'd love to share what we've done so far. :)


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