Julie and Julia.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Have you seen this movie? If not, you need to! Shawn and I had not been to a movie theater since we got married, but we saw Julie and Julia on our date night a week or so ago. It was hilarious, endearing, and inspiring.

So inspiring, in fact, that I've been cooking up a storm for the past week and a half. After seeing Julia Child's passion for food, I was motivated to try some new recipes. And it has really helped with my meat-eating transition!

Here are a few samples from the week:

Strawberry cake by Martha Stewart. I made mine with almond extract (instead of vanilla) and almond whipped cream and it was soo good. We even ate some for breakfast the next day.




Chicken Marsala from The New Best Recipe. A little sweet for my taste, but Shawn loved it.


Chicken Piccata by Ina Garten. I loved this recipe! And I love Ina Garten. Anything she touches turns to gold. We'll do this one again (and I cooked the green beans in the same sauce... gotta love one pot meals).


Also, I was inspired to make my first apron! I love that Julia Child always wore an apron, and so I set out to create my own. I didn't follow a pattern, but learned a lot along the way. And it's reversible! Thank you, Grandma, for fixing my sewing machine over the phone. You are amazing and helped me so much, even from miles away.



Lastly, these just make me happy. :)


1 comment:

  1. Ah! I love you! Okay, I walked by your place tonight on my way to the grocery store and your lights were out....or else I would've stopped by! The food looks incredible! Whitney I love that you love to cook. And lastly, oh. my. word. Can you make me one of those aprons. I am dying. Dying! I will pay you, of course, but seriously, they are incredible. Put em' on the etsy store! :) I'm baking cupcakes tonight and thinking of you! Miss you! Let's get together soon!


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