24 weeks with her.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sweet second child,
You've already been growing for 24 weeks and you're just now getting your first pregnancy blog post. It doesn't mean we love you any less. Promise.

Craving: Almond milk. Hummus. Sushi. Sour patch kids. Coconut milk ice cream.

Amazed by: Her incredible amount of movement: it's like she never sleeps. It's so reassuring to feel her constantly squirming around. Even Liam has gotten to feel her!
- The fact that I passed my first glucose test (by the skin of my teeth - but a pass, nonetheless).

Feeling: Indigestion and achy hips by 8pm. 14 extra pounds will do that, I guess.
- Thankful that I'm still able to lift Liam and he can sit pretty comfortably on top of my belly.

Anxious: To not yet know her name. I think I've visited Nameberry.com over a hundred times and we still haven't landed on one. Sometimes I stare at her ultrasound photo and hope her name just jumps out at me. Some current favorites of mine that we probably won't use, but I still love: Anniston, Harbor, Hadley, Daisy, Beatrix.

Loving: Being pregnant. Maybe I'm in the minority of women who just love being pregnant, but I do. Aches and pains and everything. It's a humbling privilege and a joy to carry this life, and I know I'll miss the feelings of her kicks as soon as she breathes her first breath.

Knowing: That the moment we first lay eyes on her will take our breath away.

24 weeks with Liam here.

PS - Maternity dress from my favorite online shopping spot, ThredUp.


  1. If gestational diabetes becomes a problem you might want to check out the book Trim, Healthy Mama. It's a great eating plan

    1. Good to know! Hoping it doesn't (I had gestational diabetes last pregnancy), but thanks for the tip.

  2. :) Sweet. I always missed my babies' kicks as soon as they were born too.

    (BTW, you should have gotten a $15 ThredUp credit from me. I'm totally hooked on shopping there now thanks to you.)

  3. This: "It's a humbling privilege and a joy to carry this life" Is just perfect. So true. Thank you for your perspective, friend! Celebrating 24 weeks of pregnancy with our little girl, too!

  4. You look fantastic!!! 23 weeks tomorrow over here :) (this baby also seems to move SO MUCH MORE than Isaac ever did at almost 23 weeks!!!)

  5. ooooh getting closer!! I love the name Anniston - that would be totally adorable; Anniston Newby!! naww!!! cant wait to see what you name her.

    1. I think so too... and call her Annie sometimes? We're still SO unsure of names, but there are so many good ones out there.

  6. whitney! you look great. i love it when women are happy to be pregnant (i'm mostly the same way... thouuuuugh a little bit less enthused this time than i was the first, i will admit.).

    1. Thank you! You look fabulous as well. And I'm so excited for your boy. :)

  7. So cool! Just saw your comment on Elizabeth Ivie's blog and had to come find you! Have to laugh because my name is Whitney too and I have a boy born on 10/27/12 and a little girl due January 6th! :) Definitely will have to start following along with you. Also...in love with the name Anniston. We have a cousin that named her baby girl that last year and it is adorable!

    1. WHAT?! Ok that's crazy! Heading to your blog to catch up... love those similarities, and congrats on your baby girl on the way!

  8. Hey Whitney! I thought I had just posted a comment, but it didn't seem to go through! So, just incase, I've been brainstorming a few names I think would be beautiful for your little girl (and a gorgeous sister to Liam Worth) : Lucy Joy, Juniper nn "Junie", Poppy, Mia Joy, Cosette (from my absolute favorite musical ever, Les Mis), Annika, Harper, and Lila. Best wishes in your search for the perfect name!

    1. Thank you! You and I have such similar taste in names. Especially Cosette (which I just saw means "little thing"). Wouldn't a little Coco running around be the sweetest? Love these. Thanks again!

  9. Ooooo I completely agree! What an adorable nickname. Coco or Cosy were always such lovely stand-outs to me! I hope that your tailbone heals quickly and that everything continues to run as smoothly as possibly with your second pregnancy! Sending lots of love and prayers from Arizona :)


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