"Nuffing but da bwud of Je-jus"

Sunday, October 18, 2015

(Audio only)
Dear Liam,

In a little over a week, you will be 3. How on earth did that happen?

The other night before bedtime, I was rocking you in your big brown chair and singing hymns to you when you started to sing along. I secretly pulled out my phone and recorded your singing because my heart was just bursting open. Hearing those words spill out of your mouth is more precious than anything in my world. And if this is all you learned for the entire year of being 2 (as difficult and exhilarating and beautiful and tantrum-filled as it was), it would be enough.

May these words soak deep into your little heart, even now.

I love you,


  1. Beautiful. Feeling the same way about my almost-three-year-old boy, too.

  2. Oh my, how heart-melting! This makes me want to be even more intentional about the songs I'm singing to my four-month-old. Thank you for the amazing reminder!

  3. The other night before bedtime, I was rocking you in your big brown chair and singing hymns to you when you started to sing along. I secretly pulled out my phone and recorded your singing because my heart was just bursting open. Hearing those words spill out of your mouth is more precious than anything in my world.


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