The kitchen counter.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Dear Liam,

These photos were taken a couple months ago, but I love what they represent: our every morning together.

You: Sitting on your knees at the counter, chatting a mile a minute, negotiating our plans for the day. You flash those dimples and can suddenly convince me of just about anything. A trip to Target to buy (another) Hot Wheels car? You got it. Make cookies at 8:30am? Well, ok.

Me: Brewing tea, listening for Lanie, and trying to keep up with your vivacity. Oh, and falling a little more in love with you.

I hope we have a kitchen counter in every home we ever live in together. And I hope one of the stools is always kept warm by you.



  1. Your photos are always so dreamy. It's as if I'm in your kitchen across from your sweet boy (in a non creepy internet stalker kinda way. Ha!). I've always thought this and now I'm sharing.

    What camera do you use? Do you edit your photos with any specific program?

    1. Thank you so much! I have a Canon 5D Mark II but used a Canon Rebel XTi for years. And I edit with Lightroom (a product related to Photoshop, but for easier editing). The lighting in the room was just perfect that day. :)

  2. I was going to say the same thing! So in love with the pictures you take!

  3. I love this so much. You will cherish these photos and you'll be so glad you took a moment to grab your camera to snap them!


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