Christmas scenes and crafts.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I hope you're ready for the hodge podge of pictures and ideas that are coming at you in this post...

Such is life during the Christmas season, right?


Our tree already surrounded by presents - thanks in full to Mama & Papa Newby


This is my favorite new-to-me nativity. My grandparents gave it to us a few weeks ago and they've had it since they were first married more than 50 years ago. Love it.

This is my latest idea for displaying Christmas cards. If you have ribbon or trim like this one, just tack it to the wall, poke a tiny hole in the top of the Christmas card (I used an itty bitty hole punch) and add an ornament hanger! Cheap and soo easy.



Speaking of cheap and easy...


I made this with chipboard letters I found at Hobby Lobby for $0.89 each. I covered them with a wood-grain type scrapbook paper, sanded the edges, and antiqued them a little with brown paint.

Then all that's left to do is use thumb tacks to hang the letters on a ribbon, then tack it to the wall. I think the project cost around $5 and makes such a statement!


This next craft has nothing to do with Christmas. Sorry.

I made this little pillow out of some fabric I already had, but wanted to add a little floral touch at the end.

So I literally cut out a flower from another fabric I had and used fabric glue to glue it on. (I know this is not probably what seasoned seamstresses would suggest, but hey. It worked!)



I told you this post was random...

Along those lines, this guy (and about 4 of his friends) have been visiting us in the mornings. We really do live in a country paradise. And yes, it's still green here - not white! That's quite a change for us!



Last but not least, I've updated the shop with some new hair pins I've made! I hope you like them!




  1. Brian, Mandie, & RubyDecember 10, 2009 at 9:06 PM

    Yea! Our Christmas card made it into your blog!

  2. Beautiful! You are wonderful Whitney! I am so thankful for your blog and so excited to see how God works in your life in the years to come! Praise God!


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