Thankful thankful.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
- Colossians 2:6-7

Our Thanksgiving turkey this year.

Our Thanksgiving table... believe it or not, in my grandparents' garage!

I know I'm a little late for a true Thanksgiving post, but gratitude is important every day of the year, right?

Grandpa Tunney
I'm thankful for my two grandpas who are battling cancer with courage and peace. We spent Thanksgiving with my Grandpa Tunney who is undergoing radiation treatment right now. Our family gathered around him after the meal and laid hands on him and prayed for healing. Nothing really brings a family together like a major illness. We continue to pray for both Grandpa Tunney and Granddaddy Ware that the Lord would miraculously heal and strengthen their bodies. I'm thankful they both know Jesus and walk with Him.

I'm thankful for the little ways the Lord continues to provide for me and Shawn as we look for jobs in Nashville. He is constantly reminding us how much He loves us by surprising us with little gifts that remind us that He's in control. We've gotten unexpected overpayment checks from our phone company, gift cards from Whole Foods for showing up for a class that had been rescheduled... things that don't normally happen. And just a couple days ago, we got a free desk for my craft room - something I'd been wanting but was not a priority to buy right now. Thank you, Lord.

I'm thankful for our new church where we are beginning to feel loved and connected. What an answered prayer!

I'm thankful for my sweet Shawn who continues to serve and lead me so well. I'm thankful that every morning he begins his day in prayer and reading the Word and is always gentle and kind toward me. Every day that goes by I'm more and more impressed with his character. I married so well. I cannot believe we will celebrate our first anniversary in less than a month!

I'm thankful Christmas is right around the corner which means Kels and Zach will be in town!

I'm thankful for our family near and far. Mom and Dad are very near (8 minutes!) while Shannon and Erik, Kels and Zach, and Mama and Papa are very far. We miss them all so much, but are thankful to feel connected with them despite so many miles.

Last but not least, I'm thankful an opportunity for Shawn to lead worship for the youth at my parents' church. He is so passionate about worship and I'm excited to see him in his element. Another answered prayer.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Whit, for being thankful. I love the black and white of you and shawn! The lighting makes your eyes look dark, and both of us were struck by how much your eyes look like your mom's.

    Yes, we're far away, but knowing y'all are doing well makes it so much easier to be this far away. We love you and are closer than you know... in our hearts. And.... we'll be home for Christmas, if only in our dreams.

    We love you way bunches and lots,


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