In the garden.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's the perfect summer morning ritual.
Wake up, throw my glasses on, and hope the neighbors aren't watching as I trudge barefoot in my pajamas through the dewy grass to check on the garden. What we hoped would yield "just one tomato" (our expectations were a little low for the first time around) has become a veritable jungle of roots and vines and, most recently, fruits.
{These pictures taken early this morning.}

I lift up the net and separate some of the vines in hopes of finding new growth. This morning alone, I picked no less than 5 pounds of yellow squash - and it's still very early in the season. God's hand is so evident in this incredible growth. All we do is water and wait; He does the rest.

I must say, there is nothing like shopping from your own garden in the morning, and serving it up for lunch just a few hours later.


  1. ah, the little tiny watermelons! amazing.

  2. So impressive. You need to get a booth at the Farmer's Market!

  3. Guuurl I knew you'd be so good at gardening. Look at you go, you country girl! :)

    Send me a pic of that house you were telling me about a while back!!! And hoping the studying is going well!!


  4. hey, girl - you've been tagged! ;)
    love ya.


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