Yogurt eating and such.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

For the last couple days, we had the rare privilege of spending a little time with our brother and sister, Erik & Shannon. It wasn't nearly enough, especially with our crazy schedules that keep us away from morning until night. But it was still a joy to get a few minutes in with them.

One of our first stops: Sweet Cece's
If you live in Franklin and like frozen yogurt (and a thousand different topping choices), this place is delish. It hits the spot on a sweltering Nashville summer day like Sunday. 

{Choosing the toppings.}
{The contemplative yogurt eater. :)}

{The camera's-too-close-to-get-your-whole-face yogurt eater.}

{I'm not sure what to title this yogurt eater. A little serious if you ask me.} :)

{And this yogurt eater is wearing a very familiar expression.
Translation: "You should be studying."}

So after our trip to yogurt heaven, these three set off for a picture-taking adventure in downtown Franklin.

As for me, I was banished to a table on Main Street to study for my final exam the next day.

See this sad face? 
It's gone today.

The hours (ok, days) of studying paid off with a very high A in my first Anatomy class!
Thank you, JESUS!

The end.


  1. congrats on your very high A! woohoo!!!

    (i have to admit that picture of you pouting is so cute and funny.)

    love ya.

  2. hello! just found your blog through muchloveilly and i love your pictures!!! mmmm frozen yogurt is one of my FAVE desserts too, yummy!!!

  3. Hey Whitney, I found your blog from April Ring Stephens, a dear friend of mine, and I added yours to my list because of encouraging posts like these! Thank you for encouraging my spirit today. Be blessed!


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