Rain. Morning.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Morning hours are my favorite of the day.
Add rain and I adore them even more.

Kettle on, candle lit.

My daily trek to the garden yielded another gorgeous tomato.

My morning view through a very foggy lens (humid is an understatement).

With this in hand.

And more importantly, this.

I came across a thought-provoking quote this morning that I know will stick with me today, and hopefully longer:

"We should, I believe, distrust states of mind which turn our attention upon ourselves. Even at our sins we should look no longer than is necessary to know and to repent them; and our virtue or progress (if any) are certainly a dangerous object of contemplation. When the sun is vertically above a man he casts no shadow: similarly when we have come to the Divine meridian our spiritual shadow (that is, our consciousness of self) will vanish. One will thus in a sense be almost nothing: a room to be filled by God and our blessed fellow creatures, who in their turn are rooms we help to fill."
{C.S. Lewis}

Happy Tuesday to you!

1 comment:

  1. Whitney,

    I had to finally comment on your blog. I work at Moody and am friends with Ilene. As her and I are OBSESSED with reading blogs, she introduced me to yours...and I'm IN LOVE with your blog!!!

    I also have a sensitivity to gluten, so I thoroughly appreciate your recipes!

    Your pictures are amazing...and while I've been in Chicago my whole life, reading your blog makes me wanna move to the south :)

    My own blog right now is a work in progress, but I'd love to know how you were able to get tabs on yours...where you can link to your recipes, photos, shop, etc. I just can't figure it out through blogger. Do you have any advice for a new blogger like me?!

    Thanks again for keeping up your blog. It's always very encouraging and inspirational :)

    Enjoy your week!


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