A first.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The other night at work I had a first.
I had just finished teaching this 3-hour painting:

and a lady in the front row walked up to me on the stage.

Her: Do you happen to be Melodie Tunney's daughter?
Me: Yes, I am.
Her: Well then, I think we've been acquainted for a very long time. I delivered you.

Sure enough, I recognized her when she said her name (we'd met since my birth, obviously). :) I thought it was so cool. So full circle. So surreal. I guess I never really know who's out there behind those easels...


  1. HOW COOL!
    Why does your maiden name sound so familiar? Like I've heard it at church or something . . .

  2. You may have heard it at church... my parents are Christian musicians and have done lots of concerts in churches and even have some songs they've written in hymnals! :)


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