A story worth sharing.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Ty was a former neighbor of mine who I'd only met a couple times, but the story of his life and death and now how he is giving life after death through organ donation touched me today. And when I saw his dad listening to his son's heart beating in another man, I pretty much lost it.
Click on the photo to take you to the video of Ty's story.
What a beautiful gift he's given. Life.


  1. organ donation is such an important matter to me. I carry a card in my wallet constantly, where it says that if anything should happen to me, I`d like to be an organ donor. With modern technology, so many more lives can be saved, and I think it`s so important that more people become aware of that. And I think it can be a comfort for the passed one`s family, knowing some part of the loved one still lives on!

  2. This story hits so close to home. I am a huge advocate for becoming an organ donor. My father was diagnosed with Alpha-1 about 13 years ago and his health rapidly declined. He was able to go through the process to be placed on the transplant list in January 2004 and by April, he was in the OR at USC in Southern California, getting his bilateral lung transplant. That day changed our lives forever and from the moment my dad woke up, he knew he wanted to meet his donors family. Due to the policies and obvious time needed for grieving, we waited exactly one year to reach out to this wonderful family. The day we met Monrae's mother, she had a loving smile with tears rolling down her face but what she also had in her hand was a stethoscope. We knew exactly what she wanted to hear...the sounds of her selfless, courageous, honorable sons lungs. She stood there listening to the precious air we breathe, enter in and exhale out. The room was full of love and gratitude. This journey my father went through was what brought me to the realization that I wanted to become a nurse. It was time for me to understand the beauty of what people endure to give life to others. Thank you for posting this.

    1. Wow. That is an incredible story. Thank you so much for sharing it... inspiring!!! God bless.


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