DIY Faux Metal Pendants

Thursday, June 20, 2013

While we had family in town (including my 5 girl cousins), we thought it would be the perfect time to have a crafting session together. We spent one rainy afternoon working on several projects with clay - including these clay rose earrings. We also made these faux silver metal pendants that have so much potential - you could make necklaces, bracelets, even key chains out of these. They look amazingly real (you wouldn't know they aren't metal until you touch them) and were so easy to make.

Here's what you need (all purchased at Joann's):

As pictured: oven bake clay, acrylic varnish gloss, silver liquid leaf, a paint brush that you don't mind tossing at the end, an old baking sheet, a hole punch (this one is made to punch thin sheets of metal), jump rings and necklace making supplies, jewelry pliers, and ring bases (totally optional).

The basic steps:
1. Roll a small piece of clay into a ball, then press it down into a flattened circle. You can leave it this way, or trim the edges with a paring knife to make a rectangle shape.
2. Using small letter stamps, stamp out your words into the clay.
3. Bake your clay at 230°F for 30 minutes, or according to package instructions.
4. Once the hardened clay cools, use the hole punch to punch a hole where you'll hang your pendant. You don't want to get too close to the edge and risk breaking off part of your clay in the process.
5. Next, paint both sides using silver liquid leaf. Note: I tried using silver metallic paint first, and it did not cover at all. The liquid leaf was amazing, but does not come off of surfaces once it's applied, so be so careful as you're applying it. It took quite a bit of scrubbing with Murphy's Oil Soap to get it off my fingers! If you're doing this project with a group, I'd suggest designating one steady handed person for this job.
6. Let it dry completely, then add a final coat of acrylic varnish to keep the liquid leaf from peeling off.
7. Add your jump ring, put it on a necklace or bracelet, and you're done!

**Optional: I didn't photograph this step, but some of us chose to paint the inside of the letters with black acrylic paint, then wipe it off quickly with a damp paper towel. It makes the letters stand out a bit, and is a fun option.

The best part? Doing it together. Love you, family!


  1. Aaww..thats so sweet..A family that crafts together stays together..!;)
    N i love little Liam in green.


  2. This is so cute! I love families who craft together. Awesome project too! - J

  3. Oh, that old baking sheet of mom's.... I am positive that thing has been around way longer than us! I remember it was already looking extremely old when we were growing up. Glad you still got some use out of it! (And cool tutorial, too) :)

    1. You know Mom. She likes to keep everything. At least this was put to good use! :)

  4. So sweet. Happy your whole fam is there minus Kels! So sad she couldn't be there! Hey I want one of those pendants! Shop?! xo

  5. So I just came across your blog and fell in love with how adorable Liam is, and how pretty your photos are, and how much you love Jesus and now I've also fallen in love with this brilliant DIY project. I never would have thought to paint clay with liquid leaf to make it look like metal. I'm going to have to try this one out now! :)

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  7. Wow superbly you made these pretty women pendant. I loved it !

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