It's official.

Monday, June 3, 2013

We've moved.
The weekend wasn't without (major) speed bumps and a lot of stress, but we're thankful to be in our temporary home at my parents' house and done with the moving out process for now.
We could use your prayers. It seemed that when we lay our heads down last night, a lot of stress would have been lifted. But today has been laden with a lot more that we have to deal with. Running high on emotion and low on sleep, it feels pretty overwhelming.

All in all, though, we're so thankful to be to this point. We have Brighter Day all set up in my parents' upstairs bedroom, Liam is currently sleeping in his pack 'n play while being guarded by Keebler the dog, and we're trying to take a deep breath, eat our meals outside, and hear what the Lord has for us next.


  1. Praying for you as you make this big adjustment! I always wish that doing the Lord's will meant things would be easy - but it really doesn't!! The greater the blessing that will follow though :) Rx

  2. Praying for your transition and hope you get some rest.


  3. Praying for you... mostly, for a sweet, intimate time with the Lord and with Shawn through this transition, however long it should be. Be encouraged. He is faithful.

  4. Prayers for u..n kisses for Liam.


  5. My heart hurts for you! I still mourn for the beloved little yellow house we were blessed to live in our first 3 years of marriage. What a blessing it is to have an opportunity like that, but it hurts when it ends. Transition is not easy--especially when you're in the in-between waiting to find out where you'll be transitioning to. I'll be praying for peace for you as you wait on God, and also praying that God shows you His plans soon. They will be perfect! Enjoy this time with your parents. It might be tight, but it's something to cherish. It won't be forever! <3

  6. Whitney... I hope you and your family experience heaps of grace during this time of transition. Remember, God knows what He is doing and you are in the very best of hands :)

  7. So sorry for the rough few days! The place of openness you are in right now reminds me of Emily Freeman (Chatting at the Sky blog). It's beautiful and exciting and I can't wait to see how God fills in all the blanks! At the same time, I hear you...the stress is high and the sleep low. I'm praying and believing that God will meet you at every point.


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