Slow Fashion.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Modeling my newly made Sorbetto top and Brighter Day clutch 
Have you heard the term slow fashion before? It's new terminology to me, though the concept has been around for a while. Basically, slow fashion is an approach to clothing in direct opposition to what Americans are very accustomed to: mass-produced, fast fashion where we buy cheaply made items and, within a few weeks, it's out of style and thrown away. Slow fashion urges each of us to be more mindful of the clothes we consume, to buy less, and to care for and mend what we already own so it doesn't end up in a landfill. It also encourages upcycling, swapping, making your own clothing (my new favorite!), and supporting local artisans.

For me, it's about a lot more than just curbing consumerism and helping the environment. It's about people. It's about justice.

This year, the collapse of the garment factory in Bangladesh opened lots of eyes to the truth of the horrendous conditions so many people are living and working in every day... in order to produce our clothes. The clothes these women were making are probably hanging in some of our closets right now (they produced clothes for the Children's Place and Walmart, to name a couple). They're cheap for us to buy, and costly for them to make. In this one incident, over 1100 lives were lost, including many children who were in a nursery facility in the building. By buying some of the clothes we do without a thought of where they came from, we are supporting this kind of hard labor in terrible conditions.

In addition, have you guys seen this website: It takes you through a quick but very insightful survey to find out how many human slaves are employed on your behalf by the things you consume. The number that I got at the end was frightening, and sheds light on just how much I consume without thinking a moment about where it came from or who made it.

The whole concept intrigues me and convicts me. Ultimately, when it comes to clothing, it inspires me to save up for more quality pieces that will last (a great pair of jeans, a beautiful jacket) that are timeless and ethically made. It also really inspires me to make my own clothes, which I've just begun to do (a dress, a shirt, and a skirt so far!). I really don't have any answers or big ideas when it comes to this - just food for thought right now.

What about you? Do you know about slow fashion? Any ideas about helping this cause and, in turn, promoting social justice?

More about the slow fashion movement here:
The Slow Fashion Movement... Reversing Environmental Damage
Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion


  1. Whitney thank you for posting things like this! You have such a heart to fight human trafficking, it is so encouraging to see this as a growing movement in our nation. I have done slavery footprint and as you said, very convicting. Again, you are such an encouragement that we can fight trafficking in more ways than we think are necessary!

  2. this is new to me! Thanks so much for sharing! :) will check up on the links and hopefully the next time i shop, i will be more mindful of what i am purchasing.

  3. This is really interesting - I love the concept of slow fashion! Also, love your top! If you decided to start making custom clothes, I would be into it!!

  4. I really love your outlook on this idea. I have been making my own clothes since I was in junior high (not all of them, but a piece here and there) and the idea of calling it "slow fashion" is wonderful :) Keep it up!

  5. I absolutely agree with your outlook on this! A year ago my family had the privilege of visiting friends in Bangladesh so this factory incident was a very big thing for them! We also visited Thailand and it just opened our eyes to all the "cheap" ways that we Americans live. It may be cheap for us but very expensive for others! I love you idea of slow fashion and I am definitely in favor! Another thing we love is Ten Thousand villages were wonderful fair trade items are made that supports those who make it! Awesome gift ideas!!

  6. Thank you, Whitney!! So intriguing and convicting for me too! Have done the slavery foot print too. It can be so overwhelming. This site has been helpful for a starting point and resource they have an app and a pocket guide. Praying ill follow through on this and not do the convenient thing by and through His grace. Also this article from apartment therapy was helpful!
    Have not heard of slow fashion, thank you for sharing!! Any resources would be welcome!!

  7. Would you consider teaching a class on sewing clothes? :) I'd love to learn but it is so overwhelming to think about from a beginner standpoint!

  8. This is a good concept. I moved to India three years ago, since I married and Indian. we often buy cheap clothing here, and I like wearing them. however quality of some of them doesn't allow us to wear them for a long time, so just yesterday I upcylced my t-shirt and two cotton capri into t-shirt yarn, want to make a rug out of it. I think we can make a difference..but you know there are so many people who will never stop fast fashion...
    thanks for sharing such good ideas and inspiring!

  9. So convicting. Especially since I shop at Target like nobody's business.

  10. I've been making my own clothes a little but something I do more is shop at op-shops (thrift stores) for a lot of my clothes. You get more clothes for less money and I don't have to be as scared to alter things because they didn't cost me much. Plus you know the clothes have had at least one life beforehand. For clothes I've bought that I love that completely wear out, I use them to make patterns so I can make that same nice dress again, then cut up the worn out dress to make into smaller items like babies/children's clothing or clutches etc. You can also get pretty good fabric bargains at op-shops to. :)

  11. Stunning hand made cloth. I love it but my first interest is in branded apparel like Bella store is superb for it's collection for both men and women:


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