Family photos in Rottweil.

Friday, July 25, 2014

We made it home to Raleigh! The travel day was horrific and it included a first for all of us - departing from Newark, flying for an hour and a half, then landing in Newark. There was a mechanical problem so we had to head back to where the mechanics were based, even though we were at least halfway to Raleigh. Somewhat scary and mostly just exhausting.

An older couple on our flight who didn't speak much English found me in the Newark airport and asked, "We not in Raleigh? Why we not in Raleigh?" Poor things. They were so confused. We all were.

Anyway, we're home. Jet lag hit hard tonight and I'm having trouble putting together coherent sentences, so I'm really in no position to blog - but I had to share a few of these pictures we took two nights ago in Rottweil, Germany. I'm so excited about having some of them printed and hung in our new house! Not only is it such a sweet season in our lives that we want to document with our toddler and one on the way, but these pictures are extra special because they were taken where Shawn grew up - and by Shawn's wonderful mom. Thank you, Mama! And thank you, Rottweil, for the most gorgeous of backdrops.


  1. super great photographs. i love that she got single pictures of all of you, and not just liam. what a blessing for family, right?! glad you all are safe.

  2. I adore these photos! So glad that y'all made it home safely from such a sweet trip!

  3. So glad you guys made it home safely! The pics with Shawn and Liam...ADORBS. We leave next week for our little jaunt to Europe. I'm so excited about the plane ride! (said no mom ever) :)

  4. Last week, I stumbled upon the blog of a mom of a child that is in my daughters' class at school. The child is troubled, and struggles in school, and although I knew the mom was troubled as well, I truly had no idea how troubled. In fairness, she puts a warning at the beginning of her blog telling people not to read it if they don't want uncensored/graphic commentary - why didn't I heed that warning? It left me feeling so disturbed. I couldn't shake that feeling for several days. So I came to your blog - and seriously, Whitney, it was like a balm for my soul. Gentle, and lovely, and spiritual. Every thing the other blog wasn't. Thank you for putting yourself out there for others to share - and thanks, especially this week, when I needed that spiritual reminder a little more than usual. Good news that you are all home safe and sound. Thank you for your lovely blog. Blessings - Kathleen

    1. Kathleen, That is such an encouragement to me, and it just confirms to me that the light of Christ is somehow shining through because there's nothing in me that's lovely or gentle. It's all Him. Thank you.


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