Germany, Days 1 & 2.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

As Shawn and I walked through the gorgeous countryside last night, we commented how life passes at a slower pace - at least here in the quaint villages and towns of the Black Forest. Sitting on the patio with my tea this morning, I heard a man walking down the road whistling. Others ride their horses or bikes through covered bridges or stop in town for ice cream in the afternoons. It's incredibly refreshing, especially after the moving craziness we've experienced these last few weeks and months in Raleigh. 

I'm finding that it's a huge privilege to stay with locals (Shawn's parents) who know the landscape and the best spots. And with Shawn being fluent in German, it makes me feel more like a native and less like a tourist. Traveling Europe this way is spoiling me already.

Thanks for indulging me in all these family photos. I know that even just a few years from now, it will be so, so special for Liam to see that he got to experience Germany at such a young age. And I think it will be encouraging for us to see that we actually brought our toddler across the ocean. The travel day(s) getting here were brutal with delay after delay, but as you can probably tell from the photos, worth every second.


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    1. What a small world! Yep, we're staying in Rottweil right now, which is very close to where Shawn grew up.

  2. Wow, it's so crazy, that you're in Germany right now! I hope you're having a wonderful time here. :-) Are you planning on travelling around a bit? Viele Grüße aus Frankfurt!

    1. We are! A little bit... we'll actually be visiting Switzerland on Tuesday which we're really looking forward to.


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