Germany, Days 3 & 4.

Friday, July 18, 2014

A day trip to Meersburg, which started with a gorgeous ferry ride through Lake Konstanz
Lunch on the water, looking at the coast of Switzerland
The best ice cream I think I've ever tasted, walking along the lakefront
Some alone time (thank you, Mama & Papa) to explore the quaint town of Meersburg
A trip to Shawn's hometown, Königsfeld, where we ran into several people who knew him - so fun!
Picking wild blueberries in the Black Forest

It's been a packed, wonderful couple of days. More to come, of course.


  1. Great photos! How is Liam handling the jet lag?

    1. Thanks! Liam has been such a trooper. He had a couple nights where he woke up at odd times, but since then, he's been right on track. I think sleeping for almost 6 hours on the plane made a huge difference.

  2. Ah Germany! So fun to see you there! I took my first mission's trip there thirty years ago this summer, was married in Speyer in '87, had all three of our children (who are all grown now!) near Heidelberg, and moved to the Czech Republic from there (where we've been for almost 21 years). But there's a fondness in my heart for Germany because of all the significant life events that took place there. So glad you get to be there with your family! And happy congratulations on your new little one growing inside you! Sure enjoy your blogging.

    1. How fun to have that history! And thanks for the congrats!

  3. Such a wonderful thing to see where your husband grew up ... and what a beautiful spot it is.


  4. You're family looks perfect and I love how you guys are enjoying to the fullest in Germany. That is an adorable little son you have there. Looking forward to seeing where you will go next.


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