Grateful (iPhone version).

Friday, October 10, 2014

It's been a difficult, draining week on many fronts, which is why the blog has been so quiet. But instead of droning on about the whys, I want to focus on what I am grateful for this week. Because gratitude turns what we have into enough. True?

+ I am grateful for October. Quite possibly my favorite month of the year. I never tire of pumpkin spice, cooler weather, and crunchy leaves underfoot.
+ For this verse. "All sufficiency in all things at all times." You know what that means? That even on the hardest days, "I can't even..." or "I give up" aren't options. God has made his grace abound to us so that we can

+ For a new pumpkin cake recipe that's gluten free, dairy free, and refined sugar free that we gobbled up in two sittings. What a gift to eat yummy things even when your family's dietary needs feel so high maintenance. (I'll post the recipe soon.)

+ For the opportunity to serve alongside my family, even when it feels like more work than the good it's possibly doing.

+ For the friendliest little guy I've ever met (and possibly the most persistent). He didn't really get that the older man was asleep and kept saying, "Hiiiii. How yooo?" 

+ For matching plaid and a daddy-son relationship that grows tighter and sweeter by the day.

+ For 26 weeks and for women in the grocery store who whisper, "You look so beautiful." That's always an appropriate thing to say to an exhausted pregnant lady. Always.
+ For a tiny girl inside who already knows her daddy's voice and kicks like crazy when he comes close.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. I love those random strangers who say, "Congrats" or "Oh it's so fun!" instead of "Sleep now!"

    Hope you have a restful weekend, Whitney!

    1. Oh goodness... me too. I hope I'm one of them.

      Thanks, Bridget!

  2. You look incredible!!!! Love that little bump! :) Today, I had a sweet lady gasp and do a double take at the belly when I told her I was due in January. Ha!

    1. Thanks, friend. And goodness - I get that from time to time too - people saying, "Are you sure you got your dates right?!" Not exactly the best response. :)

  3. I have that same 50 Promises card up on my wall at work right now! I love how just a little bit of encouragement can change my outlook on the moment.

    1. That's so great! These cards have been such a helpful tool in that.

  4. Liam looks so sweet with that older man! And in that last picture, he's a spitting image of you! :)

  5. Love this! And I need one of those stands for my promises!


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