
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Dear Liam Worth,

Tomorrow you are two. You'll wake up with Mimi and Poppy staying next door, a train table waiting downstairs, and a hundred kisses from Mommy and Daddy. Your day will consist of a few of your very favorite things: Pullen Park, balloons, apple crisp, and your family.

But tonight, the night before your birthday, I want to recall a few of my favorite things about you...

You are compassionate and (sometimes) giving. If you see a squirrel or a bird while we're taking a walk, you almost always offer whatever you have: a stick, a toy car, even your shirt. Sharing with other kids, on the other hand, doesn't come so naturally (does it ever?). Having a sibling will be really good for you.

There is nothing small or quiet about your personality. You are the child who laughs the loudest, cries the hardest, and is still running laps when we're all worn out. For being such a laid back baby, your energy level and extroversion has taken us all for a loop. You love to run away from Mommy through the halls at church, and because she's 7 months pregnant, you know you can get away with it. Thankfully you're known by nearly everyone there and they feel comfortable enough to scoop you up and return you to me.

You love books and ask to go to "tor-time" (story time) at the library almost daily. Some of your other favorites are "dadows" (dinos), trucks, trains, coloring and painting, balloons, baking with Mommy, and running outside with a stick in your hand. You can recognize all of your letters - uppercase and lowercase - and you love to learn. When I pointed to a stop sign the other day and asked what it was, I expected to hear, "stop." Instead, you said, "octagon!"

You love people. Love people. You especially love their reactions when you smile at them in the grocery store and say, "Hiiii. How yooo?" and then respond, "Ged!" when they ask you how you're doing. I can count on one hand the times in the past year you've ever acted shy.

I see tiny seeds being planted in your heart for Jesus and it thrills me more than anything. You like to read about Him, to flip through your Bible, and are always the first to remind us to "pway" at the dinner table, thrusting your hands into ours. When we pray for you before bed, it's the only time you get still and quiet for more than 5 seconds. I know these are small signs, but I pray they grow deeper and stronger as you learn about our great God and His lavish love for you. Daddy and I pray with you every night for your salvation and that it would come soon.

We love you, precious boy. It's hard to believe just how much more we love you than we did the day you were born.

Happy, happy 2nd birthday!



  1. Happy Birthday to Liam! May god bless him with year full of love, joy and happiness! :)


  2. Happy Birthday, Liam! What a sweet post. Liam was born on the same day and year we got married. :)

  3. So sweet. What are some of your favorite books that has helped aid Liam in learning his letters and shapes? Enjoy your baby boy. :)


  4. This is precious.
    Happy Birthday, Liam!

  5. Happy birthday, Liam! 2 is a big deal, big boy!!

    (my babies turn 9 today - and I can't imagine where the time has gone. It feels like they were babies in my arms not that long ago.)

    Enjoy your day, Liam!

  6. Happy 2nd birthday to Liam! My boy will turn two in November and the time has gone by so much quicker than I anticipated, even with all the warnings! We had a little girl next (who's seven months) so I can tell you as awesome as it is being mommy to the first, it just gets better as more children are added to the mix! :)


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