
Monday, January 9, 2012

So I know I just posted a tearjerker video the other day, but you'll forgive me for posting one more, right?
Because I just can't help but share this.
It's from a local church here in Franklin, Fellowship Bible, and a couple of my friends on Facebook shared it. Grab a Kleenex.

I'll be honest and say that there have been times in my life that my greatest fear is having a child with special needs. It stems from my own selfishness and pride, but it's so scary to think that the rest of my life would be devoted to caring for another person. But seeing this obliterates that fear. God is using Ryan in my life. God is using Ryan in so many lives.

Thank you, Jesus, for Ryan. For his courage, his humility, his joy.
He is one beautiful person, and You knew exactly what You were doing when You created him.


  1. Whit,

    I have definitely shared this fear at times.

    Thank you for sharing this post. Ryan is an inspiration and a reminder that the Lord will work everything in life for good...and that He will prepare me (and you!) for the blessing of children, even and especially ones with special needs, if that is in His plan for us. I'm so thankful for that.

  2. That was beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I've been working as a caretaker for my cousin who has Cerebral Palsy for several years now on a part time basis. He's six, and it has opened a whole new world to me. I am so grateful for the lessons I've learned through him and his amazing parents. Everything is grace...

  3. Thank you for sharing this beautiful testimony. We are all different but we are also all the same. We all need God. Well put, Ryan.

  4. I just found your blog today, and WOW I am feeling so inspired. Usually I don't post on blogs, but thank you so much for posting this testimony! I have grown up being very close to my cousin who has Down syndrome and recently saw her get baptized and give her testimony. I find that she is one of the most accepting people I know. And Ryan has inspired me not only with his testimony, but in going to Peru. I feel God has lead me here, as for the past few weeks I have been having trouble deciding between the locations I have been given the opportunity to go to on a mission trip...Peru and Japan. I feel this is no coincidence, even though it seems strange God could work through the internet like this :P. God keeps letting His work, my interest in design and interest in working with people with special needs, collide. So once again THANK YOU. And thank GOD.

    1. I love it!!! I got to spend part of a summer in Peru a few years ago (in the Amazon, actually) and it was an incredible experience. I hope and pray the same for you. And I'm so thankful God spoke to you through this!


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