Growing, growing.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Me and Little E. We are growing. I've been feeling lots more fluttery kicks in the past few days and I'm loving every single one. It's such a sweet reminder from baby that, "Hey! I'm in here!" and an even sweeter reminder from the Lord that He's growing this baby without any of my help. I think the fact that this baby was a surprise has really helped me to just let go and enjoy the ride. I surely didn't know I'd be wearing maternity scrubs at my first job, or receiving a diaper bag for graduation, or reading about cloth diapering on blogs while I should be studying for the NCLEX... but I'm thankful God knew. And I'm so thankful for this new and unexpected life.

If you've been following the blog for long, you may remember that last summer I was accepted into an accelerated BSN program that allowed me to graduate in May 2012. When I started nursing school, though, I was scheduled to graduate in December 2012. I spent an agonizing weekend worrying and praying and mostly worrying about whether I'd be accepted into the accelerated program and be able to graduate 7 months early. Little did I know... and how the Lord did know... that the December graduation just wouldn't have been an option. He knew there was a baby that would need taking care of, and I surely couldn't have popped out a baby and graduated 6 or 8 weeks later. His ways are so much higher than ours.

I've been so thankful for this very uneventful pregnancy. Today, about 5 of my coworkers asked sympathetically, "How are you feeling?" which was so sweet, and I could honestly say, "I feel great!" I literally have no pregnancy symptoms other than this growing belly, and I know that's nothing to take for granted. I definitely didn't expect to be this big this early, but my midwife says it's just how my body was made - smaller frame, short torso, long legs... nowhere else for baby to go. I'm just glad to be out of the I-look-like-I-ate-a-huge-meal phase and into the phase where people know there must be a baby in there.

Keep growing, Little E. We can't wait to meet you.


  1. Whitney, you are absolutely stunning and I'm so impressed by all that you manage to do while pregnant.

    I have to say I'm so thankful for your little corner of the blogosphere and I can't wait to 'meet' little E :)

  2. I may have missed the post- have you found out the gender of the baby?
    I don't think we even need the beautiful lighting to show that you've got a glow :)
    Eat Cake

  3. Pregnancy looks so so good on you!!

  4. What a exciting time! I have been keeping up on your blog for a while - it's one of my favorites. I just noticed you're talking about cloth diapering. We have used them with our 10 month old since the beginning and absolutely LOVE them! I am certainly no expert on the subject but I have written a few posts on my blog about them. If you want another mom's opinion/experience take a look!

  5. Isn't God amazing!?! His timing is perfect. I remember praying for you back then when you were considering the accelerated program, thinking it would just be more convenient for you to be finished early. Now I know why God banded so many of us together to pray for you! His plan for you was even more remarkable than any of us could have imagined, and I am SO happy for you!
    Such a beautiful little surprise, such a glowing, happy momma. I can't wait to see that sweet little one's debut!

    ♥ Bethany

    1. You're so right... and I'm so thankful for you prayer warriors!

  6. You look so wonderful, Whitney! I'm glad that you have been feeling well, and that Little E is growing and staying healthy too! :)
    I just love reading your thankfulness towards God... Such a blessing and an encouragement to me! ♥

  7. You should take pictures like this everyweek,pregnancy looks so good on you!
    When you guys find out the gender?
    Congrats again sweetie

  8. Thanks so much, friends. I'm feeling big and not always so pretty, and your comments were so encouraging!!

  9. Wow! Thanks for sharing the insights on God's plan, cause I wouldn't have made the connection. So true that His plans are bigger than ours. So beautiful. I love your baby bump pics!

  10. You are gorgeous! Seriously, any time I see pictures of you, you're just glowing. Thanks for inviting us so openly into your story, Whitney. It's not always easy to be as transparent and real as you are, but I really learn a lot from you, and I'm grateful for how God is using you! Thank you!

  11. Whitney, you look beautiful.

  12. hi, i just came across your lovely blog! u have THE BEST DIY tutorials!
    congratulations on ur pregnancy!
    welcome us as ur new followers! do visit us too, and follow if u like what u see :)
    the blog is a virtual b'day surprise for my bestie. would be glad if u could drop by ur wishes :)


  13. You are looking SO SO Cute! I am still mostly looking muffin top-ish, but bought my first few pairs of maternity shorts this weekend. (although one of my coworkers stopped me today and told me I looked huge for only being 18 weeks. Gee thanks!)

    Isn't it wonderful to look back and see the Lord writing your story all along? Just incredible!
    Have fun @ Disney! :)

  14. you look beautiful! also loved the pics your mom put up on facebook. made me happy to see you together with your family - have a blast!


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