My life in bullet points.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Work is going great! The staff could not be more welcoming to new nurses and I feel like I landed the best possible first job. It'll be super hard work (they call our floor the "workhorse floor" for a reason for sure), but I'm ready. I think.
• Baby E is avocado-size, and gave me the best first Mother's Day present - a flutter! I felt him/her move during church and have felt it a couple times since. Sweet thing.
• I am really loving this work-for-three-days, off-for-four schedule. 
• Strangers have started asking me my due date, which makes me feel better about my growing body. Because hey... they're not asking if I just had a big meal. :)
• We find out baby's gender on June 8! And we're having a party with some friends and family to find out all at the same time (even Shawn and me!). Our friend is baking a pink or blue cake (after the ultrasound tech calls her) that we'll cut into the night of the party and celebrate baby's gender all together. We're asking everyone to wear blue or pink based on their prediction.
• A garden is just not going to happen this year. It makes me sad... we just had too much going on to get one started on time. Bummer.
• I've been sewing, sewing, sewing, and got my orders down to 4 left (down from 24), then made 4 sales. So we're back to 8 bridal orders. A good problem to have - no complaints here - just lots of work.
• I miss my Shawn. We've been super busy and haven't made it home until late every night for days. Date night tomorrow. 

Happy Wednesday!


  1. What a fun party idea! I hope your new job continues to go smoothly.

  2. So glad your new job is going well! I thought Shawn's mother's day post was just the sweetest thing. enjoy your date night! :)

  3. yay for date night!!!!!!!!! love that you're having a party! wonderful sweet memories are building!

  4. What a great idea for a party--I can't wait to hear the news! <3 And enjoy your date night--those are definitely the best.

  5. Hi there! A friend forwarded on your blog to me saying we have a ton in common- I also love Jesus, am an RN, and am 16+ weeks pregnant! ( I assume you're about that far along, it's the only time baby is avocado sized!) Due Nov 1st with my very first. Best wishes to you & baby during your pregnancy!


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