It's starting to feel more real.

Friday, September 28, 2012

At 35 weeks pregnant, I guess it's about time it felt real.
... The nursery is coming together, slowly but surely. His crib mattress arrived in the mail yesterday, I hung some curtains, blankets are folded, baby clothes are hung. Still a lot to do (and buy), but it's coming!
... Shawn's sweet mom sent a huge box of Shawn's old baby clothes from Germany. Such a treat to see what he wore and what Baby L can wear soon! We've already picked out a couple things to display, and Baby L will be coming home from the hospital in the same outfit his daddy did. 
... At Chickfila yesterday, the lady at the counter asked if my baby would come any day now, and then said, "5 more WEEKS?! Oh no, honey... somebody got your dates wrong!" I wasn't sure whether to thank her? Or to cry? She then followed up with... "But you carry it well." Ha. Thanks.
... The Braxton Hicks contractions are coming on strong and frequently. I love when they do. Makes me feel like it's getting closer.
... Our hospital tour is set up for next week, and I really need to finish my Birth Plan to give the midwife at the next appointment.
... We're praying for an early delivery (isn't every mom?!) mainly because my dad is leaving the country the day or so before my due date and will be in South America for 12 days. We would all love for him to be around when L is born.
Come on, Baby! We're (almost) ready for you!


  1. You are seriously the most adorable pregnant woman ever. I love reading this, and I know we don't know each other, but I seriously look forward to your posts so much! It will be here before you know it... Have you ever heard "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Adkins? Not sure if you're a country fan, but it's a cute way of thinking about everything that's going on in your life right now :-)

    1. Thank you!! And yes... that song definitely applies. :)

  2. Love it Whit!! And those clothes of Shawns are SO precious. :) Love them.

  3. Can't wait to see the finished nursery - will you do a reveal post?

    1. Yes!! Hopefully in the next couple weeks, I'll finish it up and post pics. :)

  4. Yea!!!! So exciting!

  5. How exciting! I'm 35 weeks this week as well, and I agree, it's finally starting to feel really real. I have also gotten lots of comments about how I look like I'm going to pop any day... I usually just smile and say "umm, I hope not." Best of luck with the final weeks!

  6. I was thinking the other day- how excited I am to "meet" L, if you decide to introduce him officially to all of us :)
    The wonderful thing about blogging is how much you feel you 'know' someone without having met them. I feel like I've been on this awesome journey with you & I'm truly getting butterflies for you!! :)
    Blessings your way!
    Eat Cake

    1. So sweet. Thank you! And yes, I can't wait to introduce him to everyone (and for you to know his name)!

  7. I cannot wait for that little pumpkin to get here!!!! I just wish you were still in Chicago with me. Sigh! TOOOOOO FAR!!!!!! Love you 3.


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