Personal Prayer.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

In the last several years, there's been no one more influential in my spiritual life (and Shawn's) than Dr. Timothy Keller. Dr. Keller pastors Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City - which makes us want to move there on a weekly basis - and most of his sermons are available online. There's a Tim Keller sermon playing in our home at least once a day, and recently, it's been such a joy and a privilege to work from home and to listen to him speak as I sew and sew... and sew. :)

Today, I listened to this sermon: Personal Prayer. I don't know about you, but personal prayer is an area I really struggle with. Always have. And yet it scares me to think how much I'm missing out on by failing to  quiet my heart and soul and commune with the living God. I want to hear Him speak, but I'm often not still enough to hear. This sermon left me convicted, challenged, inspired, and excited about prayer.

Many of you have written to ask what I do for quiet times, and while it varies, this sermon gives such a practical and meaningful template to what personal quiet times of prayer, Scripture study, and meditation can look like. I can't recommend it enough.


  1. Oh wow! This was a wonderful listen. I cant wait to listen to more. I wonder if you might also like sermons by another pastor named Dave Gibson. Here is a link to his sermons:

    Have a wonderful week!

  2. PS : here's his blog too :)

  3. I've only ever listened to a handful of Tim Keller's sermons, but I've heard from lots of people that he is fantastic! Funnily enough, I've heard a lot of good things from friends about his sermons on prayer! Prayer time is also an area of my spiritual life that I have trouble with often - so I'm excited to get in and listen to this! Thanks for sharing Whitney! :)

    p.s: the picture in your sidebar of you, Shawn and little E? Absolutely gorgeous! So adorable! :)

  4. We also really enjoy Timothy Keller! Thanks for this sermon!

  5. Funny to read the comments above. The pastor recommended is just about to become my boss as he transitions from that church to the mission I work for. I'll be his assistant. Weird connections!

    I listened to a Tim Keller sermon this morning. He IS so great.


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