So in love.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The weeks are flying by before Baby L makes his entrance into the world (7 weeks or less now). In early pregnancy, that very thought would have quickly compelled me to tears... not because I'm dreading having a baby around, but because my time with just Shawn is dwindling.  

These days, though, excitement has replaced the sadness; anticipation the fear. But I'm still savoring the sweetness of these last few weeks of just me and Shawn. This weekend it was homemade pumpkin spice lattes, prayer walking Radnor Lake, an afternoon reading in the hammock. Last night, it was a long dinner on our back porch next to a fire Shawn had built in our chiminea, watching the stars. It's uninterrupted conversation, undisturbed sleep, last minute plans to head out the door to dinner. What a privilege to walk through this life by his side, and I'm so thankful he'll be there for the next season, too.


  1. Beautiful! I cried the night we headed to the hospital because I couldn't imagine "fitting in" love for another person. It's amazing what God does to your heart when you welcome a little one into it--love for your husband doesn't have to move over or share space, it just doubles, and so does your love for your baby every day. It's such an amazing thing to get to share that love with your husband! Aside from God, the two of you will never love another thing as much.

    Cherish everything right now, but know you have so much to look forward to later!

    ♥ Bethany

    p.s. your parenting style will evolve on its own, but don't write out spontaneous dinners out, or pass on gatherings with friends. Just bring him along. Welcome your sweet Little E into your world, but don't build it around him :) He'll be healthier and happier for it!

    1. Thanks so much, Bethany! Toootally agree with you on bringing him along... we plan to do that. :) Glad to know it's possible and has been done many times before! :)

  2. This completely warmed my heart to read. I've never been in love before, but like any little girl who grows up watching Disney princess movies, I do anticipate the day God brings my future husband into my life. Assuming that's His plan for me, that is. :) You and Shawn are a very inspirational couple. I'm praying for the two of you as you prepare to bring sweet baby L into the world! :)

  3. Excited for you both- and absolutely love your honesty about the upcoming weeks & beyond. "L" is an incredibly blessed man already!
    Eat Cake

  4. I promise you will love Shawn in such a deeper way than you even thought was possible!

  5. Yes, life does change after baby, and it takes time to get into a new groove with the expanded family, but it's still you guys, just in a new role! Give yourself leeway as you adjust. :)

  6. I was absolutely positively nervous at how my husband and I would adapt to adding a baby to the relationship the first time. I have to say that I love him more now that he is a father of our children, and seeing them run to him when he gets home is the highlight of my day. Children have made us stronger. I know that you and Shawn will just love Little L and the joy he will bring to your relationship.
    All the anticipation (... and blood tests and heartburn) is well beyond worth it.

  7. I had to comment and say, though not in a snarky way or in a woe is me kind of way but in a I really hope you see this way way. :) I hope that you know how very lucky you are to have this kind of love, this life that you have. I've wanted it my whole life and it isn't happening, won't happen. I'm not all negative Nelly about it, just reading this makes my heart yearn in a homesick kind of way and I want you to know how very lucky you are.
    I live a blessed life and I am happy most of the time but it isn't my dream, and I think I've given up the dream that little glimmer of hope I carry with me everywhere, which is sad but for the best really. You live the beautiful life that was my dream and I hope you just drench yourself in it fully every day.

    1. Carrie, Thanks for your comment... I'm so thankful for the life the Lord has given me, though it isn't without its ups and downs (I share mostly the ups on the blog!). I hope and pray that God blesses you with contentment in this season.

  8. Thank you. I think I am content most of the time. I do enjoy my sleep in Saturdays, not having to watch football ever :), and my two sweet fur babies. I have a lovely home, an ok job and excellent parents right down the road. I am very blessed. I have a beautiful life, I do. I just would really love to have a Godly man to share it with and a few human kids. I have firomyalgia (boo!) So I have tried convincing myself that I don't really want kids, that I am too old, but I do very badly want to be a mother.
    Thanks for responding. I didn't want to sound like I was whiny, I love your blog, the glimpses you let us see into your life!

  9. Thank you. I think I am content most of the time. I do enjoy my sleep in Saturdays, not having to watch football ever :), and my two sweet fur babies. I have a lovely home, an ok job and excellent parents right down the road. I am very blessed. I have a beautiful life, I do. I just would really love to have a Godly man to share it with and a few human kids. I have firomyalgia (boo!) So I have tried convincing myself that I don't really want kids, that I am too old, but I do very badly want to be a mother.
    Thanks for responding. I didn't want to sound like I was whiny, I love your blog, the glimpses you let us see into your life!

  10. Thank you. I think I am content most of the time. I do enjoy my sleep in Saturdays, not having to watch football ever :), and my two sweet fur babies. I have a lovely home, an ok job and excellent parents right down the road. I am very blessed. I have a beautiful life, I do. I just would really love to have a Godly man to share it with and a few human kids. I have firomyalgia (boo!) So I have tried convincing myself that I don't really want kids, that I am too old, but I do very badly want to be a mother.
    Thanks for responding. I didn't want to sound like I was whiny, I love your blog, the glimpses you let us see into your life!


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