Getting to know you.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Shawn's parents are in town from Germany for two weeks. For Liam's Grampa, it was the first time he and Liam had ever met. Gramma was in town when Liam was just a couple weeks old, but even with frequent FaceTime sessions, it's been an adjustment. 
It doesn't help that every person that comes between him and his Mama is a threat these days. They're met with cries and pushes when they reach out and want to hold him or kiss his head.
But little by little, he's learning to trust them. To play with them. To eat from their hand. 
And it's precious to watch.


  1. What a great succession of pictures!! Love seeing him "warm up" and learn how much Gramma and Grampa are crazy about him. I understand those feelings . . . :)

  2. I love the way the pictures tell the story. Very cute. Our little guy has the same feeling about anyone besides Mama right now too :)

  3. Awesome!
    So glad they get to have this bonding time together :)

    Eat Cake


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