
Thursday, October 10, 2013

via Instagram @whitneynewby
The prospect of the next few days could be daunting: hundreds of boxes to unpack, an 11-month-old who's keen on unpacking everything himself, and Shawn leaving town today for a wedding in Texas.

Amazingly, though, the body of Christ has wrapped their arms around us and so lifted our burden that it doesn't feel daunting at all.

... My parents had our house cleaned from top to bottom just after we closed, sparing me from wiping down baseboards, scrubbing bathrooms, and taking down cobwebs while trying to wrangle Liam.
... My grandma is helping us have the house's interior painted so we can really move in and feel settled.
... Shawn's parents are helping us with a washer and dryer set. I will jump for JOY when we have more than occasional access to laundry, which has been the case since we've been here.
... Our brother and sister who live down the road have shown up at the drop of a hat with snacks, Chipotle, help with Liam, and a million other things. They've been amazing.
... My mom is flying in today, very last minute, to help me while Shawn is gone. She cancelled several things on her calendar to be here, including giving a devotional to a moms' group. Instead of talking about being a great mom, she's choosing to be one. I couldn't be more grateful.
... I have Bible study friends who are pitching in left and right in the most creative ways: helping us unpack, taping off walls for painters, and taking Liam to the children's museum for the afternoon.
... We have other friends who have brought delicious, gluten-free meals.

And all this in a place we've only called home for 2 months.

Never have we felt so loved by a community of believers, so helped, so supported. Our burden has been so lifted by these dear friends and families of ours, and we are humbled and encouraged by their many, many acts of love.


  1. SO GLAD for all the hands on help you are receiving! Praying everything will take HALF the time! :-)

  2. So great! Praying everything goes smoothly!

  3. I have felt the same way about the body of Christ. It is overwhelming! Miss you! xoxo

  4. How wonderful to be surrounded by so much love during a time that could be so challenging and lonely otherwise! God is good! Blessings to you as you settle into your new home and community!

  5. Hi there, I enjoy your blog and reading your love story. It is so refreshing to meet other sisters through Christ on here.
    God bless you during this full season of your life. :)


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