2 Corinthians 4:6

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Each night before we put Liam down to sleep, we pray a specific verse for him. Our prayer goes like this...

Will God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," make his light shine in Liam's heart to give him the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 

We know that the light of Christ has not yet shone in Liam's heart, but it's our fervent prayer. It's really our only prayer. And we know that there's nothing magical about those specific words being spoken over him. But we believe that praying God's Word back to Him has power, and for Liam to hear us speaking about the Lord is also powerful. We long for the day that Liam will come to know and love the Savior who has rescued him from deep darkness, not by his own merits, but because of His grace.

So I made this simple printable with that verse that I plan to print and hang in Liam's room. If you're looking for a Scripture to claim for your own little one, I'd be honored for you to print this and use it to guide your prayers. Just click on the color you prefer and it should take you to a full size version that you can drag to your desktop and print as large as 8.5" x 11".


  1. I love praying through Scripture. What a good reminder that our salvation is not based on what we do but solely on the grace of our God!

  2. This is a beautiful printable - thanks for sharing it!

    We always pray over our little guy too, but I love the idea of praying specific Scriptures. I am going to start doing that.

    I once heard someone say something to the effect about how praying Scripture is always in line with praying God's will because it is His word. (They said it much more eloquently, haha!) But I agree - there is power in the Word and I believe God loves to hear us confess those promises back to Him.

  3. Love the print sis. Praying for our babies to know the Savior! And soon!!!!

  4. Thank you so much! God has recently shown me in a very real way to pray not the problem, but the future and promises over my children - my life really. This is an awesome scripture that I am so grateful to have - especially as a new little one will be joining my grandbabies. Thank you!


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