Holy work.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

There are days that motherhood does not feel gratifying. In fact, it often feels quite the opposite: monotonous, messy, and thankless. I end my days with snot dried on my shirt, sippy cups spilled on the kitchen floor, and bags under my eyes.

Today was one of those days. With Shawn out of town, there's little break from my very busy 14-month-old who would prefer to be sitting in Mommy's lap or bouncing on her hip while she tackles her to-do list one-handed. So by the time bedtime rolled around tonight, like most nights, I was whipped. 

There was a moment today when the thought crossed my mind, "How did this happen? How did I go from getting a degree, running a small business, and being a productive member of society to wiping noses, saying 'no no' a million times, and reading The Little Blue Truck until I have it memorized?" 

But tonight as I got Liam ready for bed, just like every other night, I rocked him in his big brown chair. We prayed out loud together, his head resting on my shoulder, and thanked Jesus for keeping us safe and warm today. And when I paused after, "In Jesus' name...." he pulled away to look at me and finished with an emphatic, "Ay-meh!" (Amen!) I couldn't believe it. I hadn't really taught him that, had I?

What a reminder for me... that my work has never been more meaningful than the work I did today.


  1. Thank you. As a mom to a 15 month old and wife to a husband working long hours, I needed this reminder tonight!

  2. Oh my, what a beautiful, beautiful post. I admire you so much. :) And this makes me eager (as do most of your posts!) to have children some day!

    1. Thanks, Whitney. Children definitely bring out the darkest parts of your heart as well as the bright light of the gospel clearer than anything I've ever experienced.

    2. So true! I'm going to have to remember how you just phrased this, because it is my sentiment as well.

  3. This is really amazing. I'm so touched! I'm 2 months underway and really loved to know stories of motherhood such as this.:)

  4. Wow, what an incredible story, and what a blessing you and Shawn are to sweet little Liam!

  5. I know you do not want to think about this now, but the days pass very quickly. Now that my babies are 23, 21, 18, 17; my days of wiping noses and snuggling in the rocking chair are over. BUT, they are sweet memories. Enjoy! He will grow up and you will get it all done. Love him! I am thrilled when I get a text or call from somewhere in the country (or overseas) from one of my kids.

  6. What a gift! God always knows just what we need to keep us encouraged on this narrow path. I love the new blog design, too. It's beautiful. Hope things are well in Raleigh!

  7. The "work" you are doing now has far more value than any career you could choose. It has eternal value as you invest in this little life. So many times it will seem mundane, boring, tiring, & thankless. But as you have just experienced, when you need it most God will provide the little glimpse of encouragement that as you do what He has called you to do, you are blessing & being blessed. One of the things I had to learn was to cut back my to-do list, prioritize the items on it, & choose not to feel like a failure if I only accomplished one thing on it. Be encouraged, Sweet One, one day you will look back on this time & wonder how it went so quickly.

    1. Thank you, Sandy! Such a great reminder.

    2. Completely agree Sandy. My little guy is 4 and I miss the days when he was 14 months. In just a few short years I've seen how the groundwork I laid (some good and some badly) has now manifested itself. I want to go back and do it over, do it better; but instead I'm asking for God's grace and healing in the areas that I have failed in so I can hopefully correct some of the mistakes I've made.
      Thanks for such a great post Whitney!!

  8. I'm in the thick of it with you (three kids 5 and under) I can find myself wondering if what I'm doing is 'worth' it. I know it is, but in the mundane days it can be hard to see straight. I read these two things recently that helped my thoughts so much and I thought I'd share.

    'Insignificant, distasteful, despised duties-all adorned with divine approval, as with the costliest gold and jewels. I think my father and mother saw through the duties to the jewels, saw their work as the priceless privilege of cooperation with God and their children as His, lent to them for a time, and their home as a small cosmos representing the city of God." Elisabeth Elliot.

    A talented woman was asked by a friend, "why have you never written a book?"
    "I am writing two." was the quiet reply "one for 5 years and one for 10."
    "you surprise me!" the friend said. What profound works they must be."
    "It doth not yet appear what they shall be," said the woman, "but when he makes up his jewels, my great ambition is to find them there."
    "your children?"
    "yes, my two children. They are my life's work." (from shaping of a christian family, by elisabeth elliot.)

  9. Keep up the good (and sometimes exhausting) work.



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