
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

With two sickies in the house, 2014 has already looked a lot different than we'd planned. We were supposed to be in Nashville for this entire week, but a middle of the night ER visit for Liam changed everything. He was diagnosed with croup and RSV, and has now generously shared a strain of what he has with Shawn. 
All that to say, I've been busy cooking and Lysol-ing and wiping Liam's nose, and hadn't thought much about this new year quite yet. But then, I saw Emily's blog and thought it was the perfect, simple idea for "resolutions." So here are mine... 

A bad habit I'm going to break: Checking my email as soon as I wake up

A new skill I'd like to learn: How to use Adobe Illustrator to make sewing pattern pieces

A person I hope to be more like: Christ. My goal every year until I meet Him face to face.

A good deed I'm going to do: Watch a friend's children while they go on a date night. It's a gift we've been given multiple times and there's nothing better.

A place I'd like to visit: Germany, to finally visit Shawn's parents and see where he grew up. Not sure if it's realistic, but I'd love to try.

A book I'd like to read: The Count of Monte Cristo. I've started it at least twice now, and I'm determined to finish it this year. 

A letter I'm going to write: A letter to an author I admire (haven't picked which one)

A new food I'd like to try: Homemade kombucha 

I'm going to do better at: Handwriting thank you notes. I'm the absolute worst.

What are your resolutions for 2014? 


  1. Those pink cheeks! Poor man! (Well, men, but Liam's face looks particularly sad.) Hope you stay well!!

  2. Poor little guy! My baby had croup at around 8 months and felt really rough with it. Hope he's better soon.

  3. Hope your household is feeling better soon!

    Not sure what your illustrator skills are like currently, but the Adobe 'Classroom in a Book' series are pretty good books for learning the basics (and even not so basics) in the Adobe design suite. I found them very useful during my Graphic Design course. They should be fairly easy to get a hold of to.

  4. Sometimes I have found that listening to a book I have started several times is the only way to get through it. I can get the books on tape at our library and listen while I sew or drive. Just a thought. Happy New Year. Sorry your boys aren't feeling well.

  5. You're great a handwritten notes! I still have all mine :) And just like in high school, I am still totally jealous of your handwriting :)


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