Chocolate "ice cream" for littles.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Our little guy, Liam, is 14 months old and is just getting to the age that he's eyeing my dessert. And if you let him try something sweet before he finishes the rest of his meal, it's pretty hopeless that he'll want anything else. So instead of loading him up with sugar, I've started to make him his own "dessert" that's made only with frozen bananas and cocoa. It has all the qualities of a great soft-serve ice cream, but this one is completely guilt free. It's also easy to make in just a few minutes at home, has no refined sugar, and is gluten and dairy free. Can't beat that!

Here's how I make it (to serve 2):

2 ripe, frozen bananas*
1 tablespoon cocoa (optional)

1. Break bananas into fourths and pulse in food processor or high speed blender until bananas are chopped into small pieces.
2. If using cocoa, add it to the bananas now.
3. Turn the food processor or blender on high for 2-3 minutes until bananas have the consistency of soft serve ice cream.

That's it! This would also be a great recipe to serve to a brand new mom who may be looking to limit her sugar intake but would love something sweet.

**I'll give this disclaimer: If you don't like bananas, you will not like this. Shawn is totally repulsed by them, so this looks like the worst idea ever to him. But if you like them, you should totally try this. :)


  1. I've made this before and it is amazing! It totally tastes like real ice cream and it's soo healthy! It's also really fun to mix toppings in, like walnuts or marshmallows (for the grown-ups!). Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a fantastic idea! Especially since most kids LOVE bananas! We're giving this a try soon :).

  3. this is awesome..thank you! My twin girls just turned 13 months and my hubs and i just gave up soda and have been majorly noticing how much they watch EVERY thing we put in our mouths...which is making US very aware of what we are eating on a regular basis too! and one of my girls is the same way...give her an animal cracker or something sweet and she eats nothing i'll have to try this after dinner one time...awesome!! :)

  4. I'm not a banana fan either, but I throw in a handful of frozen strawberries and a few spoonfuls of greek yogurt and it turns into strawberry ice cream that doesn't taste like bananas at all!!

  5. Love the new look of the blog sista!

  6. Yum! Thanks for the recipe. I like the new blog template - what is it called?

    1. Thanks! It's from this site: :)

  7. It's also yummy with a bit of peanut butter thrown in there so long as no one in the house has a nut allergy. :)


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