
Monday, June 9, 2014

Are you a blog reader?
Ok, well obviously you technically are if you're reading this post. But are you one of those who's loyal to just a handful of blogs - or one who loads her feed list with over 100?

Soon after we got married - when I started this blog back in 2009 - I would have put myself in the "avid blog reader" category. I probably had 10 to 15 blogs I would check regularly, at least skimming every new post. But I quickly found I was reading real books less and less - including my Bible - and something had to change.

So today, I've whittled it down to 2 blogs I read regularly (good friends' blogs) and I check a handful of others on occasion. The other time I spend online, I'm usually updating Etsy, checking my email, or reading the news.

But in case you're looking for some good reads, I wanted to share a few recommendations. Of course, I can't endorse every word on every page of each of these blogs. But I love the overall tone and message of each of these for different reasons. Just to keep things simple, I haven't included any blogs of my friends in real life. I just happen to admire these from a distance.

Summer Harms for whole food recipes and godly encouragement for marriage and motherhood.

Hello from the Natos for honest, thought-provoking theological posts and great interior design.

Grand Design Co for a handy mom who loves vintage pieces and turns everything she touches to gold. (She posts very infrequently these days, but her archives are a treasure of ideas.)

Where My Heart Resides for beautiful writing and photography that capture life with her son.

Tilly and the Buttons for a British sewing fix (I can't wait until her beginning dressmaking book is available in the States!).

Want to share some of your blog favorites in the comment section? I have a feeling other readers would love to know (and so would I!).


  1. Hi Whitney, thanks for this post- it's a good reminder about time management and how I want to make other reading outside of blogs more of a priority. I often fall into the habit of checking my phone throughout the day, so instead I'm going to try just checking it during my commute on the bus to work. 3 that I enjoy are Whitney Biber's Sometes, Always, Never- I think she has an insightful and fun voice about what it's like being in your 20s, Katie Cook's Hope Engaged- she and her husband love traveling and are so mindful of having a heart for the nations, and Kelli Worrall's This Odd House- she gives this raw, real, uncensored look into her life and relationship w God that is refreshing and challenging.

    1. Thanks so much for those recommendations, Molly. I hadn't heard of the first two but have seen Kelli's blog and need to revisit (I loved it).

  2. The only blogs I follow faithfully now are The Natos (LOVE her authenticity), Naptime Diaries and yours! :)

  3. One twenty five blog
    The Misadventures of a Darwinian Fail
    These two ladies are amazing! Highly recommended.

  4. Here are some of my favorites:

    yours. :)
    elise blaha.
    the daybook.
    love taza.
    the little red house.
    casey leigh.

    love their voices. love what (some) of them say about Christ and their journeys with Him.


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