
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy 59th Anniversary to my sweet grandparents.


On March 3, 1951, these two eloped. While Grandpa was in the army in Kentucky, Grandma would drive down from Ohio on the weekends to spend time with him. One weekend they were there, they decided to get married. Several months later, Grandpa was sent off to war in Korea for the next 13 months. They wrote to each other nearly every day.

From then until now, they have endured quite a bit together. Just this past year, a cancer diagnosis for Grandpa sent a shock wave through our family. But after radiation treatment and hormone shots, the doctor has recently given him a good report. We are so thankful he'll be sticking around for a while.

Honestly, wedding anniversaries never meant very much to me until being married myself. I can only pray that Shawn and I will have 59 years together. And I can only imagine how much deeper and sweeter your love for each other must be as the years pass.

Grandma and Grandpa, thank you for the example you've set for me in your life and marriage. You have shown me the value of working hard and loving well. I love you both.

Happy Anniversary.



  1. So adorable! I remember when they came to visit @ Baylor.

    By the way, do you take all the pictures on your website? The quality is so good. I want whatever camera you have.

  2. That's right! I almost forgot they DROVE from Ohio to Waco. They must love me a lot. :)

    And yes, I take all the pics - my camera is a Canon Rebel XTi (although it's a few years old so there's probably something better out now for the same price). My favorite lens, which makes all the difference. is a 50mm f/1.8 that's only around $100 or less. Love them both!

    I'm glad we can keep up, despite being in different countries, through this blogging thing!!

  3. Yeah, I think I'm going to invest in a nice camera like that.

    Your photos are great...just another thing to add to your long list of many, many talents. You never cease to impress me.


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