Crazy Love giveaway.

Monday, March 15, 2010

I just read this book in two sittings and found myself convicted, encouraged, challenged, inspired, frustrated, and overjoyed. I feel that it is one of those books that every believer should read no matter where they are on their journey with the Lord. I think it has the potential to take your thinking about the Christian life to the next level.

So I am giving away 5 copies of this book. (I wish I could give away one for every person who wanted one!) To enter the giveaway, just comment on this post by Friday, March 19 and I'll have the random number generator pick three winners.

And if you don't win, I urge you to find a copy of this book anyway. It is radical, life-changing, and so worth your time.

Good luck!


  1. Hi Whit! Sounds like a great book. I would love to read it!

  2. This looks like a great book!

  3. I've heard many wonderful things about this book! Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on it.

  4. I've been wanting to read this..perfect timing!

  5. I have heard of this book and wanted to pick it up, but then forgot about it. My second baby is 12 weeks old this week, and with still nursing him about every 2 hours, this book would be a great thing to read while nursing!!

  6. yeah sounds great! i am always looking for inspiration!

  7. How thoughtful of you! I would love to read this book!

  8. This looks like a wonderful book. I have enjoyed your blog so much as you are traveling a road that I have long traveled (simplicity) and have learned from you. I saw your husband lead worship a few weeks ago at First Family when I was there with my folks. He was such a blessing and has such a beautiful voice!

  9. I've been wanting to read this book for awhile! Thanks for the opportunity to win it :)

  10. I've been dying to read this book, I've heard it's blessed a lot of people's lives!

  11. I've heard nothing but good things about this book! I want to read it for myself! :)

  12. Your blog is lovely. Thanks for telling us about this good read.

  13. I've been wanting to read this for awhile, so I'd love to win :)

  14. I just found your site! Can't wait to keep looking through it. I have wanted to read this for a long time. I keep hearing how great it is!

  15. this book has been recommended to me so many times and i even heard francis chan speak at passion 08!! would love to read it!

  16. Looks like the sort of read I've been looking for, glad u enjoyed it so much!

  17. Whitney! I love your blog, and reading all about TN life through you! I'll be home from Africa on April 21, and flying into Nashville (heading straight to the Dove Awards!) for a week in TN before heading back to MI to nanny for the summer. Have a blessed weekend!

  18. crap I'm a day late. just in case- I'd LOVE a copy.


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