Tour through my phone.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Phone pics are fun.
And random.
I was looking through my phone the other day, a few of these made me smile (and made me miss Chicago terribly). It's fun to have a phone camera to catch those little moments that you'd otherwise miss when you don't tote a real camera around all the time.

So without further ado...
a tour through my phone
(in no particular order).

{ Chicago turns everything GREEN for St. Patty's day.}

{My love at Penny's Noodle Shop in Wicker Park.}

{Why I don't miss Chicago.}

{One reason I do miss Chicago. This kids are precious.}

{Modeling a possible bridesmaid dress for Kelsey's wedding. We went with something better.}

{A $10 cabinet revived with paint and new trim!}

{Whole Foods Heaven. Pretty much.}

{Shawn graduating.}

{Rascal Flatts concert at Wrigley Field with Shawn & Ilene!}


{Proving to my mom that I can make fried okra, even in Chicago.}

{I'd say it was way past time to clean out someone's fridge.}

{A coffee table I want. Badly. (Kirra, it's only $119 and comes in 19 different colors!) }

{Boysenberry sweet rolls. Unfortunately, not gluten-free.}

{Two of our favorite boys at Baskin Robbins.}

{This girl has grown up so much since then!}

{One of the last days in our Chicago apartment.}

{I only wish this one had sound! Shawn doing karaoke while babysitting... quite a sight. :) }

Ok. Your turn.
What's on your phone?


  1. Nice! My phone holds mostly pictures of my cat. Yep, I'm the cat lady. :)

    Question for you... I saw a while back you have a decorative chalkboard. Very cute! May I ask where you got it? I haven't been able to find a nice-looking chalkboard like that anywhere!

  2. Carrie,

    That's fun about your kitty. :)

    I do have a decorative chalkboard and I love it (even though I don't change it up much). I actually made it, and it's so easy. I found a cheap frame from Salvation Army, painted it to spruce it up a bit, then took a piece of sheet metal (found at Home Depot) and painted it with chalkboard paint (from Joann's I think). The sheet metal was pre-cut so it fit into an 8x10 frame already, then I just painted it and it turned into a chalkboard! It is way easier than it even sounds and only cost maybe $10 to $15 in all, even with supplies.

    I hope that helps!

  3. I LOVE fried okra! I grew up on it, grown by my Daddy and cooked by my southern mama. :)

  4. My cell phone photos were just cleaned out a day or two ago. I mostly had photos of items and price tags for a friend who needed help Christmas shopping for her mom. I went to the store and took photos of things I thought her mom would like and the prices. Sure enough, we found the perfect gift thanks to my cell phone photos!

    Clearly, pics of my little angel make up the photos I did not delete!

  5. Hi Whitney,
    I stumbled across your blog awhile ago (I also went to Moody) and thought I'd finally comment and let you know that I really enjoy it! I am allergic to wheat, and have enjoyed the recipes you put up (especially the pumpkin bread!). Keep up the good work! :)

  6. Jenny,
    Thanks for saying hi! I'm about to put up another gluten-free recipe that you should definitely try. :)


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