A smattering.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Source: tankandtink.etsy.com

So the pictures on this dear little blog have been lacking, I know. And the blog posts too, for that matter. My camera has taken a trip to the Mediterranean, and it's going to end up in the Middle East where it will stay for quite a while. It's on quite a journey (I'm jealous!). I know that's vague, but it's too long a story to tell right now. And the good news is, I'm ordering a new camera today! And I cannot. WAIT. I got my camera as a gift from Shawn and we were dating about 5 years ago and little did he know just how much I would use it. It's become as natural as my right arm and it goes everywhere with me, so not having it for a few days has been... interesting.

Anyway, that's not really what this post is about. I am literally counting down the days to my "official" summer break. I have 4 more days until I am off for TWO WEEKS! That's the longest break I've had from school since I started in January! We're excited to have Shawn's parents here for a few days, and then we're off to California for a few days after that. WOOHOO!!!! I'll take as much family, sunshine, and husband time as I can get.

On another note - since I seem to be spouting off random updates - I have become Emmaline Bride's newest artisan, and I really love this site. If you're a DIY type, you'll love it too - and if you're about to get married, you'll love it even more. She wrote the sweetest blog post about Brighter Day today and I've already gotten a couple of custom inquiries. Thank you, Emma! (If I can get my act together, the bags will be listed there sometime today.) :)

And right now, I have about 40 bags to make for custom orders... and a Pharmacology exam to study for... and a house to clean... so I should go. Really, I should.

Have a happy Tuesday!


  1. just read the feature over at E-bride - so pretty!!! and i've still been thinking about your camera's little journey. i'm in awe, friend. love you!

  2. I bet I know where your camera is going to live:) what will the new camera be??
    Miss your pics - hurry up camera!! Cherry

  3. Hi Whitney! Me again! I'm a fan of your blog. :) I wanted to ask, how do you put the "you might also like" feature on your blog? Thanks!


  4. Oh! I figured it out! Thank you anyways! Your blog is an inspiration!


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