Snippets of California.

Monday, August 29, 2011

After the chaos of last week, our wonderful, relaxing California trip feels like a lifetime ago already. Nonetheless, it's fun to think back on the good times. It makes today's load a little lighter.

The food.
We were very spoiled by all the fresh sushi, the fish tacos, the abundance of gluten-free menus, farmer's markets, and avocado added to about everything. Oh, California. You make some delicious food.

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The ocean.
Every time we got a whiff of that salty air, we found ourselves hunting for where we could get a glimpse of the ocean. There's just nothing like it. We especially loved this beach in Del Mar (below). It seemed the whole little town had gathered next to the ocean on picnic blankets, just enjoying the cooling night with footballs and frisbees, wine and sandwiches. It was a delight to be there.
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The friends.
It's kind of amazing how many of our friends live in California, whether short term or long term.
Our friends the Casters hosted us and welcomed us so well. We shared lots of meals, shopped with them, traveled with them, stayed in their guest house, and so enjoyed their company. (This is just a couple of them.) :)

Ashlyne was my super talented, sweet friend in high school who is still super talented (I mean... she opened for the NKOTBSB tour this year!). It had been years since we'd seen each other, and it was so fun to catch up with her and her boyfriend while they showed us around their current hometown of Santa Monica. The beach, the shopping, the sunshine... oh my. We love Santa Monica. And we love Ashlyne. :)


This dog.
She cracked us up. Never have we met a dog who actually enjoys having sunglasses on her face. She'd just sit there so proud and would keep them on for however long. She's hilarious.
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Can we please go back next week? 


  1. Such cute pictures! I love your photography. :) Hey, can I ask you, how do you do a "collage" of pictures- by that I mean, putting one next to another on your posts? Do you put them together like that in another program, or is it just in blogger? Thanks! You always inspire me!

  2. such suh-weeeeet pictures!!! love 'em, girl.

  3. that dog is super silly! cute outfits too ;)


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