Currently reading...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I wish this list included a classic like anything above (love those pretty covers!), but right now, it's all I can do to read a few articles here and there when I have a break in exam prep.
So here are a few blog posts and articles that I couldn't help but share... 

1. The Christmas Conundrum. Jen articulates the Santa debate so well, and I couldn't agree more with her perspective on Santa vs. Jesus and some practical ways to make Christmas a celebration of Jesus. I also really love her posts about her family's recent adoption of two older children from Ethiopia. 

2. Sketched by Angie Smith brought me to tears, not only because I know sweet Mr. Gentry and his farm which she mentions in the post, but because I know the sweetness of the Lord to do something like this. Must read.

3. I am about the furthest thing from a football fan, but I love Tim Tebow for how he stands unashamed for Christ. Shawn and I pray for him, too, because you know that Satan would love to bring him down. I love this article: Why the heck do we hate Tim Tebow?  


  1. I recently read the Christmas Conundrum article and the Time Tebow one as well. Such good food for thought. -Courtney

  2. How funny! I came across the The Christmas Conundrum post yesterday too. I loved reading her article.

  3. thank you thank you for the Christmas Conundrum post!


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